The Upshaws
The Upshaws is an American television sitcom created by Regina Y. Hicks and Wanda Sykes. The series stars Sykes, Mike Epps, Kim Fields, Diamond Lyons, Khali Spraggins, Journey Christine, and Jermelle Simon. The series premiered on Netflix on May 12, 2021.[1][2] In June 2021, the series was renewed for a second season, with the first part being released on June 29, 2022.[3][4] The second part of the second season premiered on February 16, 2023.[5][6] In October 2022, the series was renewed for a third season,[5] which premiered on August 17, 2023.[7] In December 2023, the series was renewed for a 10-episode fourth season, also called part 6. The six-episode fifth part of The Upshaws, the second half of season 3, premiered on April 18, 2024.[8] In June 2024, the series was renewed for a 12-episode fifth and final season, also called part 7.[9]
The Upshaws
- Regina Y. Hicks
- Wanda Sykes
- Mike Epps
- Kim Fields
- Diamond Lyons
- Khali Spraggins
- Wanda Sykes
- Journey Christine
- Jermelle Simon
"Solid" by Ashford & Simpson
United States
- Regina Y. Hicks
- Wanda Sykes
- Page Hurwitz
- Mike Epps
- Niles Kirchner
- Annie Levine
- Jonathan Emerson
25–29 minutes
- Savannah Sweet Productions
- Push It Productions
- Naptown Productions
May 12, 2021
On August 20, 2019, Netflix gave production a series order. The Upshaws is created by Regina Y. Hicks and Wanda Sykes who are expected to executive produce alongside Mike Epps, Niles Kirchner, and Page Hurwitz. Push It Productions is the production company involved with producing the series.[1] The series was released on May 12, 2021.[2] On June 24, 2021, Netflix renewed the series for a 16-episode second season which is expected to be split into two parts.[3] The first part of the second season was released on June 29, 2022.[4] The second part of second season premiered on February 16, 2023.[5][6] On October 26, 2022, Netflix renewed the series for a third season which was released on August 17, 2023.[5][7] On December 1, 2023, Netflix renewed the series for a fourth season.[8] On June 7, 2024, Netflix renewed the series for a 12-episode fifth and final season, also called part 7.[9]
The series is set in Indianapolis, but it is shot in the Old Warner Brothers Studio in California.[10]
Upon series order announcement, Sykes and Epps were also cast to star.[1] On March 4, 2020, Kim Fields joined the cast in a starring role.[11] On December 2, 2020, Gabrielle Dennis, Page Kennedy, Diamond Lyons, Khali Daniya-Renee Spraggins, Jermelle Simon, and Journey Christine were cast in starring roles.[12]
For the series, review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported an approval rating of 63% based on 8 critic reviews, with an average rating of 7/10.[13] Metacritic gave the series a weighted average score of 57 out of 100 based on 5 critic reviews, indicating "mixed or average reviews".[14]