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Tonkin campaign

The Tonkin campaign was an armed conflict fought between June 1883 and April 1886 by the French against, variously, the Vietnamese, Liu Yongfu's Black Flag Army and the Chinese Guangxi and Yunnan armies to occupy Tonkin (northern Vietnam) and entrench a French protectorate there. The campaign, complicated in August 1884 by the outbreak of the Sino-French War and in July 1885 by the Cần Vương nationalist uprising in Annam (central Vietnam), which required the diversion of large numbers of French troops, was conducted by the Tonkin Expeditionary Corps, supported by the gunboats of the Tonkin Flotilla. The campaign officially ended in April 1886, when the expeditionary corps was reduced in size to a division of occupation, but Tonkin was not effectively pacified until 1896.

François-Jules Harmand (1845–1921)

General Alexandre-Eugène Bouët (1833–1887)

General Alexandre-Eugène Bouët (1833–1887)

Admiral Anatole-Amédée-Prosper Courbet (1827–1885)

Admiral Anatole-Amédée-Prosper Courbet (1827–1885)

General Charles-Théodore Millot (1829–1889)

General Charles-Théodore Millot (1829–1889)

General Louis Brière de l'Isle (1827–1896)

General Louis Brière de l'Isle (1827–1896)

General François de Négrier (1839–1913)

General François de Négrier (1839–1913)

Colonel Ange-Laurent Giovanninelli (1839–1903)

Colonel Ange-Laurent Giovanninelli (1839–1903)

Armengaud, J. L., Lang-Son: journal des opérations qui ont précédé et suivi la prise de cette citadel (Paris, 1901)

Clodfelter, M. (2008). Warfare and armed conflicts : a statistical encyclopedia of casualty and other figures, 1494-2007. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland.  978-0786433193.


Duboc, E., Trente cinq mois de campagne en Chine, au Tonkin (Paris, 1899)

Dukay, P., Les héros de Tuyen-Quan (Paris, 1933)

Fourniau, C., Annam–Tonkin 1885–1896: lettrés et paysans vietnamiens face à la conquête coloniale (Paris, 1989)

Huard, La guerre du Tonkin (Paris, 1887)

Huguet, L., En colonne: souvenirs de l'Extrême-Orient (Paris, 1888)

Lecomte, J., Lang-Son: combats, retraite et négociations (Paris, 1895)

Loir, M., L'escadre de l'amiral Courbet (Paris, 1886)

Lung Chang [龍章], Yueh-nan yu Chung-fa chan-cheng [越南與中法戰爭, Vietnam and the Sino-French War] (Taipei, 1993)

Thomazi, A., Histoire militaire de l'Indochine française (Hanoi, 1931)

Thomazi, A., La conquête de l'Indochine (Paris, 1934)