List of The Incredibles characters
The following is a list of fictional characters from the 2004 Disney/Pixar animated superhero film The Incredibles and its 2018 sequel Incredibles 2.
Lucius Best (a.k.a. Frozone) (voiced by Samuel L. Jackson in the films, Isaac C. Singleton Jr. in Rise of the Underminer, and John Eric Bentley in Lego The Incredibles) is a long-time friend of the Parr family. Frozone is Bob Parr's best friend, and was the best man at Bob and Helen's wedding. Similar to the Marvel Comics superhero Iceman, Frozone has the power to freeze water, or even ambient moisture in the air. He is limited by the amount of water available, either in liquid form, or in the air. It is also indicated that he can use the moisture of his own body, and that dehydration weakens his abilities as a result. During the first film, it is suggested that he has adapted to civilian life much more easily than his long-time friend, Bob Parr, though he still possesses a hidden cache containing his costume and all of his old gadgets in working condition.
Lucius married an unseen woman named Honey (voiced by Kimberly Adair Clark), who is aware of his superhero past, but is unsupportive of his public-minded ideals. Lucius is best friends with Bob, and a close friend of Helen and the kids, who are the only supers he socializes with following the banning of superheroes. Whenever Lucius and Bob go out on Wednesdays to engage in superheroics, they have to cover from their respective wives by claiming to be going bowling, but they stop going out when Bob is caught by Helen. Lucius's super suit is designed to keep him warm in the cold, but he must wear a special set of refraction goggles not only to protect his identity, but also to protect his eyes from the glare of the sunlight that bounces off his ice crystals. The soles of Frozone's snow boots can change into ice skates, alpine ice skis, and a concave disc he uses as a snowboard. These forms of transport, combined with chutes of ice, result in particularly speedy travel.
Frozone was ranked number 16 in Empire magazine's list of the Top 20 Pixar Characters.[3]
Frozone returns in Incredibles 2. He helps the Incredibles stop the Underminer's drill, and after the battle learns of Winston Deavor's offer to restore public trust in superheroes, bringing Helen and Bob with him to meet Deavor together. He is later overwhelmed by other hypnotized Supers when he unsuccessfully attempts to protect the Parr children from them, and is put under Evelyn's mind control via goggles. However, he is freed by Helen and her children and aids in foiling Evelyn's plan.
Oliver Sansweet
Oliver Sansweet is the president of a bank in Municiberg. While en route to his wedding, Mr. Incredible sees him jump off a building and saves him, which results in injuries to Sansweet in the process. Following the incident, Sansweet sues Mr. Incredible in Superior Court for preventing his suicide. His lawyer states that he did not want to be saved, and that injuries he sustained in the incident cause him daily pain. Sansweet's lawsuit against Mr. Incredible, as well as a series of other Super-related lawsuits, leads the government to initiate the Superhero Relocation Program.
Gilbert Huph
Gilbert Huph (voiced by Wallace Shawn) is Bob Parr's diminutive, strict supervisor at his insurance company Insuricare. His main priority at Insuricare is its profits despite concerns from the company's staff or its customers. He is a stickler for maintaining Insuricare's profit margin, and prefers that customers remain unaware of any loopholes that would help secure an insurance claim.
When Huph refuses, during harsh reprimand of Bob for helping too many clients secure claims, to allow Bob to leave their meeting to stop a mugging he sees out in the street, the mugger manages to escape after injuring his victim. This prompts Bob to lose his temper, and throw Huph through several office walls, leaving him hospitalized and in traction, and resulting in Bob's termination from Insuricare. A deleted scene on the film's official website shows that his memories of the incident were erased by Rick Dicker.
Bernie Kropp
Bernard "Bernie" Kropp (voiced by Lou Romano) is a teacher at Dash Parr's school, on whom Dash regularly pulls pranks. After sitting on a tack placed on his seat at his desk, Kropp sends Dash to the principal's office where they conference with Helen Parr. Kropp reveals that he had secretly videotaped the incident with Dash, which he claims "proves" Dash placed the tack on his desk chair. However, the principal is unconvinced and Dash is allowed to leave with Helen with no school repercussions, infuriating Kropp.
Tony Rydinger
Anthony "Tony" Rydinger (voiced by Michael Bird) is a junior high school teenager, attending the same school as Violet Parr. Violet harbors a secret crush on him. In the end of The Incredibles, with boosted confidence, Violet manages to attract Tony's attention and he asks her out on a date, which she accepts.
Tony returns in Incredibles 2. It is revealed that Tony accidentally witnessed Violet in her supersuit unmasked during their battle with the Underminer, which resulted in Rick Dicker being forced to wipe Tony's memory of the day, including that of Violet and his planned date with her. Following Evelyn Deavor's defeat, Violet is forced to start from scratch with Tony, asking him out to the movies again. However, she is forced to leave him at the cinema (with the promise of returning quickly) when a new threat calls for the Incredibles to take action.
Kari McKeen
Kari McKeen (voiced by Bret Parker) is a friend of the Parrs, whom Violet calls upon to babysit Jack-Jack while the rest of the family are flying to save Mr. Incredible (in The Incredibles). She has taken numerous babysitting classes and feels more than adequately prepared to care for Jack-Jack in any capacity, and assures Helen Parr to that effect. She has one scene in the film, and she is heard later on Mrs. Parr's voice mail, complaining that some "very weird things" are happening; she does apparently learn all of Jack-Jack's powers as she has a defense for all of them after one day. Her eventful night with the baby (see above) is documented in the Jack-Jack Attack short included on the DVD release, ending with Rick Dicker erasing her memory of the incident.
Ambassador Henrietta Selick
Ambassador Henrietta Selick (voiced by Isabella Rossellini) is a dignified foreign official committed to the support and legalization of superheroes. She is rescued by Elastigirl in Incredibles 2, when Evelyn attempts to kill her in her helicopter through her hypnotic screens.
Buddy Pine, a.k.a. Syndrome (voiced by Jason Lee) is the main antagonist of The Incredibles. His primary motivation as a villain is his hatred of superheroes, stemming from his experience with Mr. Incredible.[14] Like Bob Parr, his character was also physically modeled after Brad Bird.[1] He has no superhuman powers, but he is highly intelligent, having invented numerous weapons and high-tech vehicles that use such principles as robotics, anti-gravity, and zero-point energy, which he sold to black market buyers to make himself rich. He owns his own island, complete with a mansion, a sophisticated monorail system, missiles, and a staff of guards equipped with exotic vehicles of Syndrome's design.
In The Incredibles, Buddy Pine first appears as a 10-year-old child who professes to be Mr. Incredible's "number 1 fan". In an attempt to earn his hero's respect, Buddy tries to aid him in fighting crime as "IncrediBoy", using gadgets of his own invention. Mr. Incredible declines Buddy's offer, and during a subsequent conflict between Mr. Incredible and the supervillain Bomb Voyage, Buddy interferes, and ends up with a bomb attached to his cape. Mr. Incredible's removal of it leads to the destruction of a section of elevated train tracks, which requires him to save the approaching train. Mr. Incredible then hands Buddy over to the police to have them take him home and inform his mother of his actions, bluntly telling Buddy that he works alone, leaving Buddy feeling rejected and disillusioned.
Fifteen years later, Buddy has recreated himself as an evil genius called Syndrome who plans to exact revenge on his former idol, whom he now regards as his nemesis. He starts by having his assistant Mirage lure a series of Supers to his lair on Nomanisan Island under the cover of a job offer so that his Omnidroids can be improved by killing each one. After capturing the Parrs, Syndrome unleashes a massive Omnidroid upon Metroville, so that he can portray himself as a superhero who destroys it, when in fact, he is in control of it himself. However, the Omnidroid's adaptive intelligence leads it to turn against Syndrome. After freeing themselves and journeying to Metroville, the Parr family and Frozone destroy the Omnidroid. The authorities freeze Syndrome's assets and issue a warrant for his arrest. Syndrome abducts Jack-Jack with the intention of raising him as a sidekick, but he fails due to the sudden emergence of Jack-Jack's powers, and is killed when his cape is caught in his jet's intake.
Syndrome was named the 64th Greatest Villain Ever by Wizard magazine,[15] Screen Rant have described his characterisation as “a geeky kid” as being humorous despite his prowess as a villain.[16] while Rolling Stone ranked him as the 22nd best Pixar character.[17]