Katana VentraIP


The Trautonium is an electronic synthesizer invented[1] in 1930[2] by Friedrich Trautwein in Berlin at the Musikhochschule's music and radio lab, the Rundfunkversuchstelle.[3] Soon afterwards Oskar Sala joined him, continuing development until Sala's death in 2002.


The German manufacturer Doepfer sells some devices for the commercial market to allow for Trautonium-like synthesizer control.[7]

The German manufacturer Trautoniks sells custom made Trautoniums.[8]

Mixtur-Trautonium, 1955.

Mixtur-Trautonium, 1955.

Max Brand Synthesizer (1968),[16] aka Moogtonium, is Austrian composer Max Brand's own version of Mixture Trautonium built by Robert Moog during 1966–68.

Max Brand Synthesizer (1968),[16] aka Moogtonium, is Austrian composer Max Brand's own version of Mixture Trautonium built by Robert Moog during 1966–68.

Doepfer A-198 Trautonium Manual / Ribbon Controller with modular synth.

Doepfer A-198 Trautonium Manual / Ribbon Controller with modular synth.

Continuum Fingerboard

Ondes Martenot





Klaus Ebbeke, Paul Hindemith und das Trautonium. HJb 11 (1982)

Peter Donhauser, Elektrische Klangmaschinen. Die Pionierzeit in Deutschland und Österreich. Böhlau, Vienna et al. 2007,  3-205-77593-7.



The Trautonium History: The Beginning

Neumixturtrautonium VST

. 1990 recording (Erdenklang 90340)

Oskar Sala, My Fascinating Instrument


Perfect Sound Forever, Oskar Sala 1910-2002

Website Plasma Speaker Wolfgang Müller

(in Spanish)

Pablo Freire (2003). Oscar Sala biography

the Trautonium on '120 years Of Electronic Music'

The Trautonium