Katana VentraIP

Triad (religion)

A triad, in a religious context, refers to a grouping of three gods, usually by importance or similar roles. A triad of gods were usually not considered to be one in the same being, or different aspects of a single deity as in a Trinity or Triple deity.

Triads of three closely associated deities were commonly found throughout the ancient world, and in particular in the religious traditions of Ancient Greece and Egypt.[1]

The Olympic triad of Zeus (king of the gods), Athena (goddess of war and intellect) and Apollo (god of the sun, culture and music)[3][4]

Classical Greek

The chief triad of Leto (mother), Artemis (daughter) and Apollo (son)[5][6] and second Delian triad of Athena, Zeus and Hera[7]


The centered on Persephone (daughter), Demeter (mother), and Triptolemus (to whom Demeter taught agriculture)

Eleusinian Mysteries


The triad of Isis, Alexandrian Serapis and Harpocrates (a Hellenized version of the already referred Isis-Osiris-Horus triad), though in the early Ptolemaic period Serapis, Isis and Apollo (who was sometimes identified with Horus) were preferred.[10]

Hellenistic Egypt

The Roman of Jupiter (father), Juno (wife), and Minerva (daughter)

Capitoline Triad

The Roman of Ceres, Liber Pater and Libera (or its Greek counterpart with Demeter, Dionysos and Kore)

pleibian triad

Venus Genetrix

The (Deae Matres/Dea Matrona) in Roman mythology


The Fates, or Furies in Greek and Roman mythology: Clotho or Nona the Spinner, Lachesis or Decima the Weaver, and Atropos or Morta the Cutter of the Threads of Life. One's Lifeline was Spun by Clotho, Woven into the tapestry of Life by Lachesis, and the thread Cut by Atropos.


The or Genii Cucullati in Gallo-Roman times

Hooded Spirits

The main supranational triad of the ancient and religion and Portuguese Neopagans made up of the couple Arentia and Arentius and Quangeius and Trebaruna, followed by a minor Gallaecian-Lusitanian triad of Bandua (under many natures), Nabia and Reve female nature: Reva[11]

Lusitanian mythology

The sisters Uksáhkká, Juksáhkká and Sáhráhkká in .

Sámi mythology

The triad of , Al-Uzza, and Manat in the time of Mohammed (Holy Qu'ran (Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation), Surah 53:19-22)


The in Norse mythology


Freyr, and Thor in Norse mythology. Odin is the god of wisdom and knowledge, Freyr is the god of fertility and prosperity, and Thor is the god of thunder and strength.


The in Slavic mythology


(god of heaven), Patrimpas (god of earth) and Pikuolis (god of death) in Prussian mythology


The or Auroras in Slavic mythology


The or Graces in Greek mythology


the Thought (or Intellect) and the Soul in Neoplatonism

The One

Hadit and Ra Hoor Khuit in the Thelemic spiritual system


List of deities

Les Lavandières



Three hares

Trichotomy (philosophy)

Trifunctional hypothesis

