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In mythology and the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a character in a story (god, goddess, spirit, human or anthropomorphisation) who exhibits a great degree of intellect or secret knowledge and uses it to play tricks or otherwise disobey normal rules and defy conventional behavior.

For other uses, see Trickster (disambiguation).

Trickster or clown[edit]

The trickster is a term used for a non-performing "trick maker"; they may have many motives behind their intention but those motives are not largely in public view. They are internal to the character or person.

The clown on the other hand is a persona of a performer who intentionally displays their actions in public for an audience.

: Azeban

Abenaki mythology

: Ekwensu

Igbo folklore

Afro-Cuban mythology:

Eleggua, Eshu

: Kwaku Ananse

Akan mythology

of African origin: Brer Rabbit (compare Compère Lapin in the French-speaking Caribbean)

American folklore

* from a separate African origin , a corruption of Anansi, also spelt 'Anansee', among other spellings

Aunt Nancy

: Juha, Sinbad

Arabian mythology

folklore: Anansi


: Bamapana, Crow

Australian Aboriginal mythology

: Huehuecoyotl

Aztec mythology

: Lilith

Babylonian mythology

mythology: Hare (Tsuro or Kalulu)


: San Martin Txiki

Basque mythology

Belgian mythology:

Lange Wapper

: Saci, Curupira

Brazilian folklore

/Macedonian folklore: Hitar Petar (Itar Pejo)


: Anansi

Caribbean folklore

: Fairy, Puck, puca

Celtic mythology

: Huli jing (Fox spirit), Nezha, Red Boy, Sun Wukong (Monkey King)

Chinese mythology

mythology: Kutkh


mythology: Wisakedjak


: Awakkule, Mannegishi

Crow mythology

: Set, Isis

Egyptian mythology

: Robin Hood, Puck, Brownies

English folklore

mythology: Daucina


folklore: Renart the Fox


: Reineke Fuchs, the Pied Piper, Till Eulenspiegel

German folklore

: Eris, Prometheus, Hermes, Odysseus, Sisyphus

Greek mythology

: Anansi, Ti Malice

Haitian folklore

: Kaulu, Kupua

Hawaiian mythology

: Baby Krishna (stealing butter), Narada, Mohini, Hanuman (shapeshifting and teasing sages).

Hindu mythology

: Mbeku

Igbo mythology

folklore: Kantjil, or kancil in modern orthography


: Amaguq

Inuit mythology

folklore: Leprechauns, Briccriu


: Iblis, Khidr, Nasreddin

Islamic mythology

: Giufà (Sicily), Pulcinella (Naples)

Italian folklore

: Kitsune, Susanoo, Kappa, Bake-danuki, Hare of Inaba

Japanese mythology

: Hershele Ostropoler (Ashkenazi), Joha (Sephardic)

Jewish folklore

Kazakh folklore:

Aldar kose

folklore: Saynday


: Kumiho, Dokkaebi, Seokga

Korean folklore

: Iktomi, Heyoka

Lakota mythology

and Spanish folklore: Pedro Urdemales (Pedro Malasartes in Portuguese)

Latin American

: Yaw

Levantine mythology

: Māui

Māori mythology

: Maya Hero Twins, Kisin

Mayan mythology

: Olifat

Micronesian mythology

: Coyote

Miwok mythology

mythology: Agadzagadza


: Loki

Norse mythology

: Espen Askeladd

Norwegian mythology

: Sosruko

Northwest Caucasian mythology

: Coyote

Ohlone mythology

: Nanabozho

Ojibwe mythology

: Nuno sa Punso, Tikbalang, Pilandok

Philippine mythology

: Maui

Polynesian mythology

: Coyote

Pomo mythology

dancing: Koshares


: Păcală

Romanian mythology

: Ivan the Fool

Russian folklore

: ǀKaggen

San Folklore

: Veles

Slavic mythology

: Don Juan, The Trickster of Seville

Spanish mythology

: Enki

Sumerian religion

: Akhu Tönpa,

Tibetan folklore

: Sri Thanonchai

Thai folklore

: Kalulu

Tumbuka mythology

: Cin-an-ev

Ute mythology

mythology: Anansi

West African

: Eshu

Yoruba religion

In literature and popular culture[edit]

In modern literature, the trickster survives as a character archetype, not necessarily supernatural or divine, sometimes no more than a stock character.

Often, the trickster is distinct in a story by their acting as a sort of catalyst; their antics are the cause of other characters' discomfiture, but they are left untouched. Shakespeare's Puck is an example of this. Another once-famous example was the character Froggy the Gremlin on the early USA children's television show "Andy's Gang". A cigar-puffing puppet, Froggy induced the adult humans around him to engage in ridiculous and self-destructive hi-jinks.[12]

For example, many European fairy tales have a king who wants to find the best groom for his daughter by ordering several trials. No brave and valiant prince or knight manages to win them, until a poor and simple peasant comes. With the help of his wits and cleverness, instead of fighting, they evade or fool monsters, villains and dangers in unorthodox ways. Against expectations, the most unlikely candidate passes the trials and receives the reward.

More modern and obvious examples of the same type include Bugs Bunny in the USA and from Sweden the female hero in the Pippi Longstocking stories.

In Internet and multimedia studies[edit]

In online environments, there has been a link between the trickster and Internet trolling. Some have said that a trickster is a type of online community character.[13][14]

Anthropologist James Cuffe has called the Chinese internet character Grass Mud Horse (cǎonímǎ 草泥马) a trickster candidate because of its duplicity in meaning.[15] Cuffe argues the Grass Mud Horse serves to highlight the creative potential of the trickster archetype in communicating experiential understanding through symbolic narrative. The Grass Mud Horse relies on the interpretative capacity of storytelling in order to skirt internet censorship while simultaneously commenting on the experience of censorship in China. In this sense Cuffe proposes the Grass Mud Horse trickster as 'a heuristic cultural function to aid the perceiver to re-evaluate their own experiential understanding against that of their communities. By framing itself against and in spite of limits the trickster offers new coordinates by which one can reassess and judges one's own experiences.'[15]

Grotesque body

of Puerto Rico

Juan Bobo


Miwok Coyote and Silver Fox

Native Americans in the United States

Structuralist approach to myth

Joel Chandler Harris and the Uncle Remus Collection