Katana VentraIP

Tripartite Convention

The Tripartite Convention of 1899 concluded the Second Samoan Civil War, resulting in the formal partition of the Samoan archipelago into a German colony and a United States territory.

Convention between the United States, the German Empire, and Great Britain Governments in Respect to Samoa

2 December 1899 (1899-12-02)

16 February 1900

31 Stat. 1878; TS 314; 1 Bevans 276

Forerunners to the Tripartite Convention of 1899 were the Washington Conference of 1887, the Treaty of Berlin of 1889, and the Anglo-German Agreement on Samoa of 1899.


"the shifting of the line of demarcation between German and British islands in the group so as to give to Great Britain all the German islands to the east and southeast of the island of Bougainville;"


"the division of the so-called neutral zone in by a definite boundary line between British and German possessions;"

West Africa


"the renouncing by Germany of her rights of extraterritoriality in ."[9]


United States:

German Empire:

United Kingdom:[15]

These treaty arrangements of the Tripartite Convention of 1899 stayed in place until the outbreak of World War I in 1914.

Coates, Austin. Western Pacific Islands. London: H.M. Stationery Office. 1970.

Gilson, R. P. Samoa 1830-1900, The Politics of a Multi-Cultural Community. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 1970.

Gray, J. A. C. Amerika Samoa, A History of American Samoa and its United States Naval Administration. Annapolis: United States Naval Institute. 1960.

Ryden, George Herbert. The Foreign Policy of the United States in Relation to Samoa. New York: Octagon Books. 1975. (Reprinted by special arrangement with Yale University Press. Originally published at New Haven: Yale University Press. 1928.)

Townsend, Mary Evelyn. Origins of Modern German Colonialism, 1871-1885. New York: Vol. IX of Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. 1921.

Treaty of Cession of Tutuila

Treaty of Cession of Manu'a

Samoan unification

Annexation of Samoa

WHKMLA: Samoa, 1830-1899

History of Samoa - R.M. Watson