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United States farm bill

In the United States, the farm bill is comprehensive omnibus bill that is the primary agricultural and food policy instrument of the federal government.[1] Congress typically passes a new farm bill every five to six years.[2][3]

Congress makes amendments to provisions of permanent law, reauthorizes, amends, or repeals provisions of preceding temporary agricultural acts, and puts forth new policy provisions for a limited time into the future. Beginning in 1933, farm bills have included sections ("titles") on commodity programs, trade, rural development, farm credit, conservation, agricultural research, food and nutrition programs, marketing, etc.[4]

Some provisions are highly controversial. Provisions can impact international trade, the environment, the food supply, food safety, and the economies of rural America. Powerful interest groups are poised to intervene, including organizations claiming to represent farmers (such as the American Farm Bureau Federation), as well as big agribusiness corporations (such as John Deere, Cargill, Pioneer Hi Bred International (owned by Corteva since 2019), and Monsanto (owned by Bayer since 2018). Congress is polarized along lines of ideology and interest groups. Republicans are more conservative, represent rural areas,[5] and are tied to agricultural[6] and businesses groups, while Democrats are more liberal and tied to environmentalists, cities, and labor unions. Critics sometimes warn against putting together the agricultural and nutrition parts. However, doing so helps to bridge some of the politically relevant cultural differences that exist between legislators of urban and rural, coastal and heartland areas of the country.[7] Traditionally, the agriculture programs have been more important for rural areas of the heartland, while urban and coastal regions have been more concerned with the nutrition assistance programs. There are stakeholders outside of the government that are also interested in food and agriculture issues. These include national farm groups, commodity associations, state organizations, nutrition and public health officials, advocacy groups representing conservation, recreation, rural development, faith-based interests, local food systems, and organic production.[3] Putting nutrition and agriculture topics together allows for stakeholders and advocacy coalitions with different interests to find common ground on topics that are potentially contentious between them.[3][7]

Some of the programs that are authorized in a farm bill fall into the spending category of mandatory, while others are discretionary.[3] Programs with mandatory funding have their funds authorized directly within the farm bill. On the other hand, programs with discretionary funding require for congressional appropriators to designate funding to them because they are not funded directly in the farm bill. Cost projections for funding estimates are calculated by the Congressional Budget Office using a baseline, which is an estimate of future costs over ten years if the existing costs were to continue unchanged. Adjustments to funding levels between programs generally occurs from one year to the next, incrementally.[7]

In November 2023, President Joe Biden signed into law H.R. 6363 that extended the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the 2018 United States farm bill, until September 20, 2024.[8]

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Title II, Conservation: Provides assistance to agricultural producers to address environmental resource concerns on private land. It encourages environmental stewardship and improved management through land retirement, conservation easements, working lands assistance, and partnership opportunities.


Title VIII, Forestry: Supports forestry management programs run by USDA's Forest Service. Some of the areas that relate to climate change are wildland fire management, forest management, and restoration and protection of water sources and watersheds. Provisions are included to protect, restore, or improve greater sage-grouse and/or mule-deer habitat.


Title IX, Energy: Encourages the development of farm and community renewable energy systems through various programs, including grants and loan guarantees. It funds research and development of energy obtained from agricultural or forestry feedstocks, commonly called bioenergy. The most prevalent form of bioenergy is ethanol. Title IX provides some financing for commercial scale production of such energy resources.


of 1916

Federal Farm Loan Act

of 1934

Frazier–Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act

Bankhead–Jones Farm Tenant Act of 1937

Farm Credit Act of 1971

(H.R. 1947) – failed passage in the House

Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 (H.R. 1947; 113th Congress)

(S. 954) – passed the Senate, failed in the House

Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013 (S. 954; 113th Congress)

Increasing the cost of food for lower- and middle-income consumers, especially .[47][48]


Making high dollar subsidized payouts to large corporate farms and farmers while giving little to nothing to smaller and independent farms and farmers.


Incentivizing the farming of only a select small number of crops, making Americans and global consumers less healthy by focusing diets more and more on fewer and fewer commodity food items, harming by highly centralizing the food production and supply chain within the United States.[50]

national security

Harming in terms of authorizing certain pesticides to be used without oversight.[46]

public health










Critics have alleged that, regardless of the initial intent of farm bills dating back to 1933,[46] farm bills dating from at least the 1990s to the present have numerous harms, including:

One expert said of the farm bill that:

Numerous attempts have been made to repeal the need to continue to reauthorize any sort of so-called "farm bill" at all, and instead leave farm and food prices to market forces, these attempts have failed.[46]

The aspect of the bill that specifically benefits big domestic sugar and the Fanjul brothers of Domino Sugar in particular[48] has also had numerous attempts at repeal, but each time has thus far as of 2023 failed to be repealed,[51] artificially raising the price of sugar for domestic United States consumers of any product containing sugar, while at the same time personally enriching domestic sugar producers. The largest donors in support of this particular aspect of the farm bill is the Fanjul brothers, infamous for giving to both Republican Party candidates as well as Democratic Party candidates to lobby to keep the sugar subsidy and keep out international competition from the American market demands for sugar.[52]

Alternative Agricultural Research and Commercialization Corporation

Farmers' suicides in the United States

Benedict, Murray R. "The Trend in American Agricultural Policy 1920-1949". Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft / Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (1950) 106#1: 97–122


Benedict, Murray R. Farm policies of the United States, 1790-1950: a study of their origins and development (1966) 546pp ; also another copy


Bosso, Christopher. Framing the Farm Bill: Interests, Ideology, and Agricultural Act of 2014 (University Press of Kansas, 2017).

Cochrane, Willard W. The Development of American Agriculture: A Historical Analysis (2nd ed. U of Minnesota Press, 1993) 512pp.

Cochrane, Willard W. and Mary Ellen Ryan. American Farm Policy: 1948-1973 (U of Minnesota Press, 1976).

CQ. Congress and the Nation (1965-2021), highly detailed coverage of each presidency since Truman; extensive coverage of agricultural policies.

online free to borrow

Coppess, Jonathan. The Fault Lines of Farm Policy: A Legislative and Political History of the Farm Bill (University of Nebraska Press, 2018).


Coppess, Jonathan, et al. "The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018: Initial Review." farmdoc daily (2018).


Gardner, Bruce L. "The federal government in farm commodity markets: Recent reform efforts in a long-term context." Agricultural History 70.2 (1996): 177–195.


Matusow, Allen J. Farm policies and politics in the Truman years (1967)


Mozaffarian, Dariush, Timothy Griffin, and Jerold Mande. "The 2018 Farm Bill—implications and opportunities for public health." JAMA 321.9 (2019): 835–836.

Orden, David and Carl Zulauf. "Political economy of the 2014 farm bill." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97.5 (2015): 1298–1311.


Sumner, Daniel A. "Farm subsidy tradition and modern agricultural realities." The 2007 Farm Bill and Beyond (2007): 29–33.


Taylor, Mykel R., et al. "Is it good to have options? The 2014 farm bill program decisions." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 39.4 (2017): 533–546.

Zulauf, Carl and David Orden, "The U.S. Agricultural Act of 2014: Overview and Analysis." (International Food Policy Research Institute discussion paper 01393, 2014)


Zulauf, Carl, and David Orden. "80 Years of Farm Bills—Evolutionary Reform." Choices (2016) 31#4 pp 1–7







































