Katana VentraIP

Venezuelan communal councils

In April 2006 the Government of Venezuela passed The Law of Communal Councils (consejos comunales) which empowers local citizens to form neighbourhood-based elected councils that initiate and oversee local policies and projects towards community development. Many Communal Councils became colectivos after they were armed by the Venezuelan government.[1]

Over 19,500[2] councils were registered throughout the country and billions of dollars have been distributed to support their efforts by the government.[3]

Citizens' Assembly

Executive Body

Financial Management Unit

Unit of Social Oversight (Anti-corruption)

Community Coordination Collective

Present situation[edit]

Eight months after the law was passed, over 16,000 councils had already formed throughout the country.[8] 12,000 of them had received funding for community projects – $1 billion total, out of a national budget of $53 billion.[9] The councils had established nearly 300 communal banks, which have received $70 million for micro-loans.[10]

As of March 2007 19,500 councils were registered.[11] The law of Communal Councils was last reaffirmed and updated in November 2009.

Urban Land Committees

"LEY DE LOS CONSEJOS COMUNALES" Gaceta Oficial de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. No 5806. April 10, 2006. - Spanish HTML version - Spanish PDF version

English HTML version

Marcano, L. Ciro (2009) , Human Geography, A New Radical Journal

"From the Neo-Liberal Barrio to the Socialist Commune"

Ministerio de Participacion Popular y Desarrollo Social, Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela

"Consejos Comunales"

- list recent news articles about the councils.

La Escuela de Ciudadanos, Consejos Comunales section

with Michael Albert about Communal Councils in Carora and elsewhere in Venezuela.

Video interview