– "The use of physical, psychological and verbal aggression to intimidate others to submit to the will of another and/or cause emotional upset".[9] Bullying is typically one-sided and unprovoked by the victim and can be present in any environment.[9]


– The abuser makes the victim question not just their own self, but also their own sanity. One way abusers tend to use gaslighting is by questioning the victim in a manner that gets the victim to question their own perceptions of things. The effects of gaslighting include, individuals seeing themselves as outsiders, having low self-esteem, and feeling like they have no support in decision making.[10][11]


Accusations/Denial of wrongdoing: When an individual another individual of performing a certain action; When an individual denies his/her actions performed against another individual that could have or did cause the victim harm to self-preserve and protect the abuser. (Gaslighting also fits into this type of abuse).[12]

falsely accuses

Refers to when the abuser is attempting to down-scale the severity of the situation and making it seem insignificant to the victim or audience[13]


– When an aggressor uses words or actions against a victim that indicates if the victim does not comply with certain situations and/or actions, harm will be inflicted upon them.[14]


– The use of offensive language/names to gain something from the situation (ex: win an argument) or to probe a negative reaction out of another individual or situation; this is also used to induce rejection or condemnation without consideration of the facts in the situation.[15]

Name calling

Victims of verbal abuse may display abusive behaviors towards other individuals. Verbal abuse and verbal aggression can take form in many ways. When individuals understand how verbal abuse may be presented, they can better analyze and act accordingly in certain situations. Verbal aggression can be defined as a characteristic or trait that drives a person to attack the self-values and concepts of others in addition to, or instead of, their own values and concepts.