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Water resources law

Water resources law (in some jurisdictions, shortened to "water law") is the field of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource. It is most closely related to property law, and is distinct from laws governing water quality.[1]

This article is about the laws regulating the use of water. For environmental protection laws, see water quality law.

—lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, and wetlands;

Surface waters

—generally water that flows across the land from rain, floodwaters, and snowmelt before those waters reach watercourses, lakes, wetlands, or oceans;

Surface runoff

—particularly water present in aquifers.


Water is ubiquitous and does not respect political boundaries. Water resources laws may apply to any portion of the hydrosphere over which claims may be made to appropriate or maintain the water to serve some purpose. Such waters include, but are not limited to:

Difficulties of water rights[edit]

Water is uniquely difficult to regulate, because laws are designed mainly for land. Water is mobile, its supply varies by year, season, and location, and it can be used simultaneously by many entities.[4] As with property law, water rights can be described as a "bundle of sticks" containing multiple, separable activities that can have varying levels of regulation. For instance, some uses of water divert it from its natural course but return most or all of it (e.g. hydroelectric plants), while others consume much of what they take (ice, agriculture), and still others use water without diverting it at all (e.g. boating). Each type of activity has its own needs and can in theory be regulated separately. There are several types of conflict likely to arise: absolute shortages; shortages in a particular time or place, diversions of water that reduce the flow available to others, pollutants or other changes (such as temperature or turbidity) that render water unfit for others' use, and the need to maintain "in-stream flows" of water to protect the natural ecosystem.

One theory of history, put forward in Karl August Wittfogel's book Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power, holds that many empires were organized around a central authority that controlled a population through monopolizing the water supply. Such a hydraulic empire creates the potential for despotism, and serves as a cautionary tale for designing water regulations.

Water law involves controversy in some parts of the world where a growing population faces increasing competition over a limited natural supply. Disputes over rivers, lakes and underground aquifers cross national borders.[5] Although water law is still regulated mainly by individual countries, there are international sets of proposed rules such as the Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers and the Hague Declaration on Water Security in the 21st Century.

Long-term issues in water law include the possible effects of global warming on rainfall patterns and evaporation; the availability and cost of desalination technology; the control of pollution; and the growth of aquaculture.

Legal models[edit]

The legal right to use a designated water supply is known as a water right. There are two major models used for water rights. The first is riparian rights, where the owner of the adjacent land has the right to the water in the body next to it. The other major model is the prior appropriations model, the first party to make use of a water supply has the first rights to it, regardless of whether the property is near the water source.[6] Riparian systems are generally more common in areas where water is plentiful, while appropriations systems are more common in dry climates. As water resource law is complex, many areas have a combination of the two models.

Public waters, including tidal waters and navigable waterways.

Other surface waters—generally water that flows across non-public land from rain, floodwaters, and snowmelt before those waters reach public watercourses.

Groundwater, sometimes called subterranean, percolating, or underground water

Public regulation of waters, including flood control, environmental regulation—state and federal, public health regulation and regulation of fisheries

Related to all of the above is interplay of public and private rights in water, which draws on aspects of eminent domain law and the federal commerce clause powers

Water project law: the highly developed law regarding the formation, operation, and finance of public and quasi-public entities which operate local public works of flood control, navigation control, irrigation, and avoidance of

environmental degradation

Treaty Rights of Native Americans

Clean Water Act

Clean Water Act (Ontario)

Clean Water Protection Act

SB X-7

Colorado River Water Conservation District v. United States

Drainage law

Environmental Law

Food safety

Navigable servitude

Right to water

Water right

Hildering, A. (2004), , Eburon Academic Publishers, Delft, The Netherlands, 2004

International Law, Sustainable Development and Water Management

International Law Association Water Resources Committee (2004),

Final Report presented at the Association's 2004 Conference in Berlin

UNEP (2002), . UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya.

Vital Water Graphics — An Overview of the State of the World's Fresh and Marine Waters

Sax, J. L., et al.. Legal Control of Water Resources: Cases and Materials (4th edition). Thomson/West (2006),  978-0-314-16314-1.


Ute Mager, Jedermann-Verlag, Heidelberg 2015, ISBN 978-3-86825-319-1.

International Water Law. Global Developments and Regional Examples

George Vranesh, Colorado Water Law. Revised Edition, University Press of Colorado (2000),  978-0-87081-543-0, 2003 supplement (March, 2004), ISBN 978-0-87081-755-7


Washington Office of Attorney General.

"An Introduction to Washington Water Law."