Katana VentraIP

White House Fellows

The White House Fellows program is a non-partisan federal fellowship established via executive order by President Lyndon B. Johnson in October 1964. The fellowship is one of America’s most prestigious programs for leadership and public service, offering exceptional Americans first-hand experience working at the highest levels of the federal government. The fellowship was founded based upon a suggestion from John W. Gardner, then the president of Carnegie Corporation and later the sixth secretary of health, education, and welfare.

White House Fellows spend a year working as a full-time, paid fellow to senior White House staff, cabinet secretaries, and other top-ranking government officials. Fellows also participate in an education program consisting of roundtable discussions with leaders from the private and public sectors. In some years, Fellows may also have the opportunity to study U.S. policy in action domestically, and potentially internationally. The selection process is very competitive and fellowships are awarded on a strictly non-partisan basis. Each year after the application period closes, the staff of the President's Commission on White House Fellowships (PCWHF) processes the applications and former fellows screen the applications to identify approximately one hundred of the most promising candidates. These selected individuals are then interviewed by several regional panels, which are composed of prominent local citizens. Based on the results of these interviews, the regional panelists and the director of the PCWHF select approximately thirty candidates to proceed as national finalists. Of the applications received, the PCWHF will interview those finalists and recommend between 11 and 19 individuals to the president for a one-year appointment as fellows. Selected civilians serve as Schedule A presidential appointees,[1] while military members will be assigned to duty at the PCWHF at 712 Jackson Place, Washington, D.C.[2]

Once fellows complete their year of service, they join hundreds of other fellows as alumni of the program. The White House Fellows Foundation and Association is the organization that represents the White House Fellows alumni efforts, leadership events and fundraising activities.

The ten universities most frequently attended by White House Fellows are, in order: , Stanford, West Point, Oxford, MIT, Columbia, the Air Force Academy, the Naval Academy, Berkeley, and Yale.


The average age of a Fellow is mid-30s.

Rose Vela


Elizabeth Pinkerton


Jennifer Kaplan



Cindy Moelis


Janet Eissenstat

Jocelyn White


Jacqueline Blumenthal


James C. Roberts


White House Fellows website

White House Fellows Foundation and Association website

President's Commission on White House Fellowships archives: | George W. Bush | Bill Clinton

Barack Obama