Katana VentraIP

White House social aide

A White House social aide is a United States Armed Forces officer assigned to attend to the personal needs of visiting dignitaries at the White House and to facilitate interactions with the President of the United States and the First Lady of the United States. White House social aides were first appointed in 1902; as of 2014, there were 45 such officers.



White House social aides must be commissioned officers with a rank no higher than major (or lieutenant commander in the Navy or Coast Guard), be assigned to Washington, D.C., and have "impeccable appearance".[2][6]

According to a statement provided to The New York Times, the past restriction on married social aides was due to the significant evening demands placed on aides that might interfere with their marital relationship.[5] However, Stephen Bauer – who served as a social aide – has written that the prohibition on wedded aides is to prevent a scandal developing in the event a social aide is invited into a romantic relationship with a guest.[7] This is no longer a requirement as of early 2021.

Because social aides have direct access to the President of the United States, prospective aides must successfully pass a Yankee White review demonstrating their "unquestionable loyalty to the United States".[3][8]

As daughter of President of the United States , Lynda Bird Johnson was given "pick of the litter" of White House social aides and ultimately selected Marine Captain Charles Robb as her personal escort.[7] She later wed Robb in 1967 in a White House ceremony; Robb would ultimately become the 64th Governor of Virginia.[7]

Lyndon Johnson

Gerald F. "Gerry" Richman, a corporate lawyer and formerly president of Richman-Greer, a South Florida law firm, was a White House social aide during the Johnson administration. Richman is rumored to have had the opportunity to escort Lynda Bird Johnson, but passed on it to Robb because Richman already had a conflicting date with a contestant.

Miss Universe

later chief executive officer of C-SPAN, was a White House social aide during the Johnson administration; among his duties were escorting Lady Bird Johnson during the wedding of Lynda Bird Johnson and Robb.[9]

Brian Lamb

assistant administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, served as a social aide during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson.[7]

Abelardo L. Valdez

Major General was a White House social aide during the presidency of Jimmy Carter.[10]

Marcelite J. Harris

Vice Admiral was a White House social aide.[11]

Jody A. Breckenridge

In 2015, Captain John Fesler became the first social aide appointed from the .[3]

Air National Guard

Stephen Kappes as a Marine Officer served as a social aide to President Carter and later became the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

The Society of White House Military Aides[edit]

The Society of White House Military Aides grew from an idea of camaraderie and friendship shared through their unique experiences while serving their nation’s presidents. It is their purpose to continue to renew those friendships through the society and preserve the history and honor of their service. Their members represent military aides from twelve administrations, comprising both current and past White House social and presidential aides from the Roosevelt Administration to that of George W. Bush, and five branches of the service: the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and the Coast Guard. Honorary members include social secretaries to the President and those members of the White House Military Office who worked directly with military aides.

Since its founding in 1991 by Chairman Kenn Riordan, Jr. (Reagan), the society has grown from fifty aides to over 600 aides and has been incorporated with legal counsel. The two most senior members served as aides to President Roosevelt; another, White House Curator, Mr. Rex Scouten, served ten presidents. Included in their ranks are two presidents of the American Red Cross; members of the Council of Foreign Relations; a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; a CINCPAC; two women who retired as the highest ranking in their services; a U.S. Senator; the founder of C-SPAN; a founding partner of the Carlyle Group; three university presidents; and a CEO of PepsiCo. All were White House social or presidential aides, and members.[12]

Melania Trump is escorted by a White House social aide at the United States Capitol in 2017

Melania Trump is escorted by a White House social aide at the United States Capitol in 2017

Two White House social aides attend President Donald Trump as he awards the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor in 2017

Two White House social aides attend President Donald Trump as he awards the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor in 2017

White House social aides pictured during the presidency of John Kennedy in the Diplomatic Reception Room

White House social aides pictured during the presidency of John Kennedy in the Diplomatic Reception Room

A White House social aide leads Led Zeppelin's John Paul Jones to the Kennedy Center Honors ceremony in 2012

A White House social aide leads Led Zeppelin's John Paul Jones to the Kennedy Center Honors ceremony in 2012

Johnson Military Aides with Social Secretary Bess Abell (L-R) Dr. Alan Merten (George Mason Univ.), Governor (and Senator) Chuck Robb, Bess Abell, Edward J. Mathias (Carlyle Group), Brian Lamb (C-SPAN)

Johnson Military Aides with Social Secretary Bess Abell (L-R) Dr. Alan Merten (George Mason Univ.), Governor (and Senator) Chuck Robb, Bess Abell, Edward J. Mathias (Carlyle Group), Brian Lamb (C-SPAN)

Board of Advisors, Society of White House Military Aides, overlooking the White House and Washington Monument

Board of Advisors, Society of White House Military Aides, overlooking the White House and Washington Monument


Body man