Hatfield, Edwin Francis. The Poets of the Church, New York, 1884, pages 412-414


A Spiritual Treasury for the Children of God

A Spiritual Treasury for the Children of God

The Believer's Pocket Companion

The Christian Communicant

Christian's Companion for the Sabbath, selected for the Family or Closet.

Christian Communicant; or, Companion to the Lord's Supper.

Free Grace Truths; or, Gospel Comfort for Doubting Minds.

Crumbs from the Master's Table; or, Select Sentences of Divinity.

Axe laid to the Root.

Methodism Displayed, and Enthusiasm Detected.

The Signs of the Times, addressed to Christians in general.

Antinomian Heresy exploded.

Gospel Duty to Gospel Ministers.

Dialogue between a Churchman and one who is called a Methodist (in two parts)

A commentary on The Pilgrim's Progress, printed as footnotes in some copies of the same as "Mason's Notes".
