Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman
Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman is a 2015 documentary directed by Adam Carolla and Nate Adams. It is based on the book by the same name written by Mat Stone and Preston Lerner[1] The film chronicles the 35 year car racing career of Paul Newman and his racing life as both a driver and owner.[2]
Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman
Adam Carolla
Nate Adams
Adam Carolla
Nate Adams
Adam Carolla
Nate Adams
Matt D'Andria
Mårten Tedin
Simon Sandquist
Extreme Music
- May 8, 2015
83 minutes
United States
The film premiered on April 16, 2015, in Los Angeles. It was released in theaters and video-on-demand on May 8, 2015.