100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd
100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd is a television sitcom created for Nickelodeon by Steven H. Berman, Mitchel Katlin, and Nat Bernstein. The series ran for three seasons, premiering on October 16, 1999, and airing its final episode on April 21, 2002.
100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd
- Steven H. Berman
- Mitchel Katlin
- Nat Bernstein
- Brandon Gilberstadt
- Morgan Kibby
- Melanee Murray
- Catherine MacNeal
- William Francis McGuire
"You Got Me",
performed by The Hippos (season 1)
"Who Let the Dogs Out"
performed by Baha Men
(season 2–3)
Andrew R. Powell
40 (list of episodes)
- Thomas W. Lynch
- John D. Lynch
- Steven H. Berman
- Jay Firestone (S2-3)
- Adam Haight (S2-3)
- Robert C. Mora (S1)
- Mike Rubiner (S2-3)
- Greg A. Hampson (S2-3)
22–24 minutes
- Lynch Entertainment
- Fireworks Entertainment
- Lincoln Field Productions
- Nickelodeon Productions
October 16, 1999
April 21, 2002
The series was cancelled in the United States due to declining ratings in the spring of 2002 after only 40 episodes with 60 deeds left.