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Armistice of Villa Giusti

The Armistice of Villa Giusti or Padua Armistice was an armistice convention with Austria-Hungary which de facto ended warfare between Allies and Associated Powers and Austria-Hungary during World War I. Allies and Associated Powers were represented by Italy. The armistice protocol together with a supplementary protocol was signed on 3 November 1918 in the Villa Giusti, outside Padua in the Veneto, Northern Italy, and took effect 24 hours later.[1] This armistice applied only on Austria because Hungary later signed the separate Belgrade armistice.


By the end of October 1918, the Austro-Hungarian Army was so fatigued that its commanders were forced to seek a ceasefire. By 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire was tearing itself apart under ethnic lines, and if the Dual Monarchy were to survive, it needed to withdraw from the war.

In the final stage of the Battle of Vittorio Veneto, a stalemate was reached, and the troops of Austria-Hungary started a chaotic withdrawal. On 28 October, Austria-Hungary began to negotiate a truce but hesitated to sign the text of the armistice. In the meantime, the Italians reached Trento and Udine, and landed in Trieste. After a threat to break off negotiations, the Austro-Hungarians, on 3 November, accepted the armistice.


The ceasefire would start at 15:00 on 4 November, but a unilateral order of the Austro-Hungarian High Command made its forces stop fighting on 3 November.

The armistice required Austria-Hungary's forces to evacuate not only all territory occupied since August 1914 but also South Tirol, Tarvisio, the Isonzo Valley, Gorizia, Trieste, Istria, western Carniola, and part of Dalmatia. All German forces would be expelled from Austria-Hungary within 15 days or interned, and the Allies were to have the free use of Austria-Hungary's internal communications. Austria-Hungary was also to allow the transit of the Triple Entente armies to reach Germany from the South.[2] In November 1918, the Italian Army, with 20,000 to 22,000 soldiers, began to occupy Innsbruck and all North Tyrol.[3]

After the war, Italy annexed Southern Tyrol (now Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol), according to the secret Treaty of London, as well as Trieste, Austrian Littoral and part of Dalmatia (Zadar, Lastovo, Palagruža).[4]

Tenente Generale

Pietro Badoglio

Maggior Generale Scipione Scipioni

Colonnello Tullio Marchetti


Pietro Gazzera

Colonnello Pietro Maravigna


Alberto Pariani

Capitano di Vascello Francesco Accinni

Italian General Armando Diaz's victory speech

Bollettino della Vittoria

the resulting treaty

Treaty of Trianon

Antonello Biagini, Giovanna Motta, , p. 100

The First World War: Analysis and Interpretation, Volume 1

John Gooch, , p. 299

The Italian Army and the First World War

Bullitt Lowry, , p. 112

Armistice 1918

Manfried Rauchensteiner, , p. 1005

The First World War and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914-1918

Text of the armistice