Katana VentraIP

Basque Country (greater region)

The Basque Country (Basque: Euskal Herria; Spanish: País Vasco; French: Pays basque) is the name given to the home of the Basque people.[1] The Basque Country is located in the western Pyrenees, straddling the border between France and Spain on the coast of the Bay of Biscay.

For other uses, see Basque Country.

Basque Country
Euskal Herria

20,947 km2 (8,088 sq mi)


150.65/km2 (390.2/sq mi)

Euro (€) (EUR)

Comprising the Autonomous Communities of the Basque Country and Navarre in Spain and the Northern Basque Country in France,[2][3] the region is home to the Basque people (Basque: Euskaldunak), their language (Basque: Euskara), culture and traditions. The area is neither linguistically nor culturally homogeneous, and certain areas have a majority of people who do not consider themselves Basque, such as the south of Navarre.[4] The concept is still highly controversial, and the Supreme Court of Navarre has upheld a denial of government funding to school books that include the Navarre community within the Basque Country area.[5]

historical capital Ustaritz, main settlement today Bayonne


historical capitals Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port and Saint-Palais, main settlement today Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port

Lower Navarre

historical capital Mauléon (also current main settlement)


Greater Bilbao: 984 745 inhabitants (2014)

Greater San Sebastian: 447 844 inhabitants (2014)

Greater Pamplona: 346 716 inhabitants (2012)

Metropolitan area of Vitoria: 277 812 inhabitants (2015)

Metropolitan area of Eibar: 70 000 inhabitants (2012)

Agglomération Côte Basque Adour: 126 072 inhabitants (2013)

The (EAJ-PNV-PNB) is the oldest of all nationalist parties, with over 100 years of history. It is Christian-democrat and has evolved towards rather moderate positions though it still keeps the demand for self-determination and eventual independence. It is the main party in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) and is the most voted party (about 40% population), but its presence in Navarre is minor and subsumed in Geroa Bai, while it remains marginal in the French Basque Country.

Basque Nationalist Party

(EA) (Basque Solidarity). A splinter group from PNV since 1984, unleashed by EAJ-PNV's compromise with the Spanish right in Navarre against the opinion of the local branch in exchange for support in Bilbao. The party was led by charismatic lehendakari Carlos Garaikoetxea for years.[46] The party is defined as social-democrat, and is quite more emphatic in its nationalist claims than EAJ-PNV. After Carlos Garaikoetxea retired, Begoña Errazti was elected for the chair of the party. EA went through unfavourable electoral results, the party split with a splinter group founding the half-hearted party Hamaikabat based in Gipuzkoa. Under the leadership of Peio Urizar, Eusko Alkartasuna gained momentum and moved towards an understanding with figures close to former Batasuna and new faces hailing from the same sociological environment. The party is a co-founder of the coalitions EH Bildu in the South and EH Bai in the North.

Eusko Alkartasuna

(Create) is a party founded in February 2011 spearheaded by relevant public figures and low-profile political leaders aiming to fill the sociological and political void left by outlawed parties Euskal Herritarrok (We Basque Citizens), and Batasuna (Unity).[47] Its ideology is Basque nationalist and socialist, rejects violence as a means of achieving political goals, and values civic and pacific disobedience as a legitimate way of opposing arbitrary and authoritarian policies. It is included in the coalition EH Bildu in the South and in EH Bai in the North.


Basque Country (autonomous community)

Basque cuisine

Carnivals from the Basque Country

Basque mythology

Basque people

List of active autonomist and secessionist movements

List of Basques

Nationalities in Spain


in France

Northern Basque Country


Eusko Jaurlaritza/Basque Government

The Basque People in the Middle Ages (historical article)

Buber's Basque Page

Euskara Kultur Elkargoa-Basque Cultural Foundation

EuskoSare Global Basque Community