Katana VentraIP

Brothers to the Rescue

Brothers to the Rescue (Spanish: Hermanos al Rescate) is a Miami-based activist nonprofit organization headed by José Basulto. Formed by Cuban exiles, the group is widely known for its opposition to the Cuban government and its former leader Fidel Castro. The group describes itself as a humanitarian organization aiming to assist and rescue raft refugees emigrating from Cuba and to "support the efforts of the Cuban people to free themselves from dictatorship through the use of active non-violence".[1] Brothers to the Rescue, Inc., was founded in May 1991 "after several pilots were touched by the death of" fifteen-year-old Gregorio Perez Ricardo,[2] who "fleeing Castro's Cuba on a raft, perished of severe dehydration in the hands of U.S. Coast Guard officers who were attempting to save his life."[3]


Aid balseros and dissidents in Cuba

  • Miami, United States
  • Rescue rafters spotted in the Florida straits by aircraft
  • Airdropping dissident leaflets over Cuba

The Cuban government accuses them of involvement in terrorist acts,[4][5] and infiltrated the group (see Juan Pablo Roque and the Wasp Network).

In 1996, two Brothers to the Rescue planes were shot down by the Cuban Air Force in international airspace. The incident was condemned internationally, including by the UN Security Council while the Cuban government defended the decision claiming the planes were there to destabilize the Cuban government. The Castro-approved mission against Brothers to the Rescue was codenamed "Operation Scorpion".

Cuba-United States relations

(Archive webpage)

Brothers to the Rescue Official Website

an archival collection that contains clippings, other archival materials, and a bibliography, co-authored by Rosa M. Abella and Dolores Rovirosa, of sources that discuss the 1996 shootdown.

Rosa M. Abella Collection

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights report on killings of Armando Alejandre Jr. (45 years old), Carlos Alberto Costa (29), Mario Manuel de la Peña (24), Pablo Morales (29)

a 2009 book about the shootdown, co-authored by Matt Lawrence and Thomas Van Hare.

Betrayal: Clinton, Castro & the Cuban Five

Carl Nagin, , January 26, 1998, Annals of Diplomacy – Backfire

The New Yorker