Katana VentraIP

COVID-19 pandemic in Lebanon

In Lebanon, the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in 1,238,552 confirmed cases and 10,936 all-time deaths[3] after COVID-19 was confirmed to have reached Lebanon in February 2020.[4][5]

COVID-19 pandemic in Lebanon

21 February 2020
(4 years, 2 months and 2 days ago)






On 12 January, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, Hubei, China, who had initially come to the attention of the WHO on 31 December 2019.[6][7]

COVID-19 is transmitted through little droplets carrying the virus. These droplets can enter the body through the eyes, mouth, or nose, and they might contaminate surfaces.[8]

Unlike SARS of 2003, the case fatality rate for COVID-19[9][10] has been much lower, but the transmission has been significantly greater with a significant total death toll.[11][9]

Lebanon was successful in handling the pandemic during its beginning, having reported between 0 and 100 daily cases from 15 March 2020 to 12 July 2020. After the Beirut port explosion on 4 August 2020, cases began to skyrocket, with Lebanon reporting over 1,000 cases on most days since mid-September and setting a new record of 2,817 cases of COVID-19 in one day on 6 December 2020.[12]



On 28 February, the Minister of Education Tarek al-Majzoub announced the closure of all educational institutions starting on 29 February until 8 March.[75] The decision was seen as unnecessarily strict by some universities including the American University of Beirut, the Lebanese American University, and the Université Saint-Joseph who called for evidence-based decision-making to avoid unnecessary panic. After initially announcing that it would stay open in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, and ignoring the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education's request that it shut down, in early March 2020 the university announced that it would close down.[76][77] The universities did ultimately abide by the decision and close after discussions with the Minister of Education.[78] The American University of Beirut has consequently formed an expert committee for independent advising on the pandemic.[79]

On 6 March, the Minister of Health Hamad Hassan declared that "Lebanon is no longer in Coronavirus containment stage" following the entry of several new cases to Lebanon coming from countries previously classified as not infected and urged the population to take preventive measures such as avoiding public venues, like resorts and theaters.[80] Following this statement, the closure of schools, universities, and nurseries was extended to 14 March.[81]


In reaction to the pandemic, several religious institutions in Lebanon decided to act proactively changing traditional ceremony methods to limit the spread of the virus. Churches and mosques have been cleaned and disinfected, and practices have been adjusted. Within Christian communities, churches have emptied fonts of holy water, and communion is carried out by handing the Eucharist instead of placing directly in the mouth. Similarly, within Muslim communities, it was recommended that people use their own prayer rugs and do ritual cleaning at home. Instructions by both religious parties recommend greetings without hand-shaking nor kissing.[82]

Churches and mosques were reopened on 10 May at reduced capacity. The number of worshipers is not allowed to exceed 30% of the total capacity, and sanitary conditions and preventive measures must be followed. Churches and mosques were closed since 15 March to prevent the spread of the virus.[83][84]

Public places and businesses[edit]

On 21 January, weeks before the first case in Lebanon was confirmed, the Lebanese Football Association announced that they would suspend operations due to financial reasons; this suspension caused all remaining games of the 2019–20 Lebanese Premier League season to be cancelled.[85]

On 6 March, gyms, cinemas, theaters, and nightclubs were ordered to close their doors.[86][87]

On 11 March, all restaurants in Lebanon closed.[88]

On 12 March, most major malls announced their closure until further notice.[89]

On 4 May, restaurants and barbers were allowed to reopen, although at reduced capacity.[41][90]

On 12 October, nightclubs and bars were ordered to close alongside an expanded lockdown.[58]


On 9 March, Lebanese Parliament closed down.[91] All people were instructed by the government to stay home, and the army was asked to intervene by order of the Lebanese president and prime minister.

On 12 March, the government announced that internet service through the public provider Ogero would be boosted through the end of April, to encourage users to stay home.[92] Other private internet companies and phone line companies followed suit with similar discounts/boosts for their customers.


On 21 February 2020, the international Lebanese website, "Lebanon Info Center",[93] was the first Lebanese website to officially cover the COVID-19 situation in Lebanon, with its page "Lebanon Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency", thus, it was the first to offer official emergency and cases numbers, non-commercial recommendations and advice that are based on science and the actual situation on the Lebanese territories.[94]

On 12 March 2020, a media site in Lebanon, The961, announced[95] the launch of a live tracker monitoring the number of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries in Lebanon in real-time, manually cross-referencing three sources by directly communicating with the Ministry of Health, World Health Organization and the Lebanese Red Cross.[96] In the announcement thread, The961 founder, Anthony Kantara, explained the frustration of the lack of consistent and clear information as the motivator. The dedicated page also includes the latest news, updates and FAQs surrounding COVID-19.[97]

On 19 March, the Information Minister Manal Abdul Samad launched a government site dedicated to the COVID-19 outbreak in Lebanon.[98] This website provides the latest statistics regarding COVID-19 infections in Lebanon.[99] However, the website updates may depend on the ministry availability constraints.


As the first flight introducing coronavirus patients was a flight from Qom, Iran—a city plagued by the coronavirus—some Lebanese citizens and media have cast blame onto Iran and Hezbollah for being silent about the issue and not taking necessary measures against it. Some agents blamed Iran for bringing the virus into the country. Following that, Information Minister Manal Abdul-Samad warned against involving political tensions in the pandemic.[100]

Economic impact[edit]

Non-payment of salaries was reported.[93] A suffocating economic crisis has left Lebanon's poor with little or no means to cope with extra hardship.[101]

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet raised the alarm on Lebanon's socio-economic crisis on 10 July 2020. Her statement cited Lebanese and UN figures that estimated 75% of Lebanon's population are in need of aid. Since October, the Lira had lost more than 80% of its value and chronic power cuts are now the norm. In addition, Lebanon hosts more than 250,000 migrant workers, many of which have lost their jobs, not been paid, been left homeless, and unable to send remittances to their families back home. Bachlet called on the country's political parties to urgently enact reforms and prioritize essentials such as electricity, food, health and education.[102][103]


Lebanon has faced a significant shortage of test kits amidst the outbreak. Al Jazeera reported that illegal migrants have no access to testing.[104]

COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Palestine

COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory

: first source of information in Lebanon.

Lebanon Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency

Archived 14 July 2020 at the Wayback Machine: Lebanese Ministry of Information.

Information on Coronavirus

: most public hospital to accept Coronavirus cases in Lebanon.

Rafik Hariri University Hospital

: a live tracker of coronavirus cases in Lebanon.

The961 Coronavirus Outbreak Live Monitor