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Children's poetry

Children's poetry is poetry written for, appropriate for, or enjoyed by children.

Children's poetry is one of the oldest art forms, rooted in early oral tradition, folk poetry, and nursery rhymes. Children have always enjoyed both works of poetry written for children and works of poetry intended for adults. In the West, as people's conception of childhood changed, children's poetry shifted from being a teaching tool to a form of entertainment.[1]

The first glimpse of children being shaped by poetry was noted by The Opies, renowned anthologists and literary historians. They saw that before the mid-eighteenth century there wasn't much written for children aside from encouraging phrases. Ballads of the 18th century launched the modern genre of children's poetry.

Today, many poets (such as Dr. Seuss, Shel Silverstein, and Jack Prelutsky) are primarily known for their work aimed at children; many poets who primarily write for adults (such as Ogden Nash and Robert Frost) are also known for beloved children's poetry.


Early children's poetry[edit]

Poetry is universal throughout the world's oral traditions as songs and folklore passed down to younger generations.[2] The oldest works of children's poetry, such as Zulu imilolozelo, are part of cultural oral traditions.[2]

In China, the Tang dynasty became known as the Golden Age of Chinese poetry with the invention of the movable type.[3] Some poets chose to write poems specifically for children, often to teach moral lessons. Many poems from that era, like "Toiling Farmers", are still taught to children today.[3]

In Europe, written poetry was uncommon before the invention of the printing press.[4] Most children's poetry was still passed down through the oral tradition. However, some wealthy children were able to access handmade lesson books written in rhyme.[1]

With the invention of the printing press, European literature exploded.[4] The earliest printed poetry for children is nearly all educational in nature. In the fifteenth century and sixteenth century, courtesy books aimed at children sought to teach them good manners and appropriate behavior.[1] Les Contenances de la Table, published in 1487, is a French example;[1] The Babee's Boke and Queen Elizabethe's Academy are both English examples, printed in the 1500s.[5]

The first children's book printed in the New World was John Cotton's Milk for Babes, Drawn out of the Breasts of Both Testaments, Chiefly for the Spiritual Nourishment of Boston Babes in either England, but may be of like use for any children.[6] Published in 1646, it was a child's Puritan catechism.[6] While the first edition was not in verse, later editions were rewritten into the earliest American children's poetry.[1]

Another notable work of early children's poetry is John Bunyan's A Book for Boys and Girls, first published in 1686, and later abridged and re-published as Divine Emblems.[1] It consists of short poems about common, everyday subjects, each in rhyme, with a Christian moral.[5]


Ralph Waldo Emerson suggested poetry helps children learn the power of a few words.[20] He proposes that through any form of verse, children can be introduced to both language and rhythm held within poetic structure.[20]

Sandra Lennox expands on this point with her studies suggesting poetry helps children strengthen their oral and written language skills along with their mental understanding of the world around them.[21] She also suggests that the rhythmic nature of poetry helps children hoan their vocabulary and word meaning abilities.[21]

Poetry helps children develop their literacy skills such as phonemic awareness through pitch, voice inflection, and volume; memorization through patterns and sequences; physical awareness of breath, and movements of the mouth and other gestures as they align to the rhythm of the poetry.[22] Scholars also see that poetry and nursery rhymes are universal throughout cultures as an oral tradition.[22]

Furthermore, Krystyna Nowak-Fabrykowski found, in her analysis of poems published by children in Canadian elementary school, that poetry helps guide children to express themselves in a more creative and descriptive nature.[23]

Also, Mika and Tsitsi Nyoni found, through their study of the African Indigenous Knowledge System, that poems cannot be treated as solely an element of “play” for children because of the loaded content children need to interact with to engage in the activity.[24] They go on to explain that poems instill values and attitudes that direct the child throughout the rest of their lives while remaining in the comfort of their own homes.[24]

Inspired by Hollindale's Signs of Childness in Children's Books (1997), Debbie Pullinger reviewed various poetry as a case study to show how linear progression and the presence of a child protagonist are the two central literary elements that divide children and adult poetry.[25]

Lastly, despite modern society being largely urban and, as a result, the majority of children's poets having this environment be a big part of their lived experience, very few poets have engaged with this topic in their work.[26] A few of the exceptions are Richard Margolis, Paul Janeczko, and Gary Soto who all had their point of view driven by social issues.[26]

In the United States children's poetry awards include the Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children, established in 1977, awarded annually by the National Council of Teachers of English[27] and the position of Young People's Poet Laureate, a two-year appointment awarded by the Poetry Foundation to an author of children's poetry.[28]

United States -

- In the United Kingdom the Poetry for Children: Signal Award was published in the journal, Signal: Approaches to Children's Books, from 1979 to 2001.[29][30]

United Kingdom

- The Lion and The Unicorn Award for Excellence in North American Poetry, established in 2005, is annually awarded by the Johns Hopkins University Press.[31]

North America

Awards that are given for children's poetry:

is an English writer known for several best-selling children's books, both full of poetry and children's literature, illustrated by his wife Janet.[32]

Allan Ahlberg

(1902 - 1973) born in Alexandria, Louisiana and raised in California, is one of the most well known black writers of the twentieth century.[33] He edited a volume of children's poetry in 1968.[33]

Arna Bontemps

(b. 1932) born in San Francisco, California and raised in New York City during her teen years, has published nine children's books including two books of children's poetry.[34]

Barbara Wersba

(1775–1834), best known for his Essays of Elia and for the children's book Tales from Shakespeare, co-authored with his sister, Mary Lamb (1764–1847).

Charles Lamb

(b. 1939) is known as one of the most popular Canadian children's poets.[35] He was awarded the Canadian Library Association Award, Ruth Schwartz Award, and International Board on Books for Young People for his book of poetry for primary children entitled Garbage Delight (1977).[35]

Dennis Lee

(1812–1888) was the first to use limericks in his writing, authoring A Book of Nonsense in 1846 and featuring silly poetry and neologisms.[36]

Edward Lear

(1850 - 1895) born in St. Louis, Missouri, is known for renowned children's poetry, such as “Little Boy Blue” and the “Dutch Lullaby”.[37]

Eugene Field

(1916 - 1992) is an American writer known for her poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and plays for children.[38] In the world of children's poetry, she was consistently praised for her skillful metered verse, free verse, nonsense verse, and social conscience.[38]

Eve Merriam

(1954–2016) first started writing poetry for children in 1997 after realizing there were very few books written by Latino authors. His poems are minimalist and airy, and often published in bilingual editions.[36]

Francisco X. Alarcón

(1874 - 1946) an American poet and writer, is known for insisting that all of her poetry should be classified as children's poetry.[39] She often experimented with children's genres, specifically breaking the boundaries of what we define as children's literature traditionally.[39]

Gertrude Stein

(b.1940) - Author of such works as A Gopher in the Garden and Other Animal Poems, Jack Prelutsky was selected the inaugural Young People's Poet Laureate by the Poetry Foundation in 2006.

Jack Prelutsky

(b. 1963), writer of Newbery Honor-winning Brown Girl Dreaming, an adolescent novel told in verse.[36]

Jacqueline Woodson

(1783–1824) co-wrote the ubiquitous Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star with her sister.

Jane Taylor (poet)

(b.1962), is an English poet, the author of three collections of poetry published since 1997.

Jean Sprackland

(1807 - 1892) based in Massachusetts, is remembered for his abolitionist and Quaker beliefs, ballads, and long narrative poems.[40]

John Greenleaf Whittier

(b. 1931) is known for her humorous observational poetry and for her children's literature.[36]

Judith Viorst

(1799 - 1888) based in the UK, is credited with introducing humor to children's poetry with her remembered poem “The Spider and the Fly” (1834).[41]

Mary Howitt

(b. 1946) is a broadcaster, children's novelist and poet.[42] He is remembered for his use of humor and irony in his children's poetry along with tackling social justice and sensitive issues.[42]

Michael Rosen

(b.1946) also known as "Father Goose" is best known for his collection The Father Goose Treasury of Poetry for Children: 101 Favorite Poems.[36]

Charles Ghigna

(b. 1943) is one of the world's most well-known African-American poets.[36] Her work directly addresses the African American experience in Spin a Soft Black Song and others.[36]

Nikki Giovanni

(1922 - 1988), born in Denmark, was both a prominent children's poet and children's literature illustrator.[43] He is most remembered for his humor and use of figurative language in his poems.[43]

N. M. Bodecker

(b.1952) is best known for his collection Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices, winner of the 1989 Newbery Medal.[36]

Paul Fleischman

(1916–1990) is one of the most successful children's writers in the world: around thirty million of his books have been sold in the UK alone.[44] Dahl's collection of poems Revolting Rhymes is a re-interpretation of six well-known fairy tales, featuring surprise endings in place of the traditional happily-ever-after.[44]

Roald Dahl

- author of such works as A Child's Garden of Verses.[36]

Robert Louis Stevenson

- author of such works as Where the Sidewalk Ends and A Light in the Attic, Silverstein also wrote The Giving Tree.[36]

Shel Silverstein

(Dr. Seuss) (1904 - 1991) born in Massachusetts began his career as a children's author as a freelance cartoonist. He wrote many Children's poetry books including The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas!.[45]

Theodor Geisel

(1951 –2022) was an English writer. He won the 2014 Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) / CLIPPA poetry award for the poem 'Wayland' [46]

Tony Mitton

(b.1956) is a Jamaican-born poet and a novelist based in the UK.

Valerie Bloom

Brewton, John Edmund. Index to Poetry for Children and Young People, 1964–1969. New York: Wilson, 1972.

Index to Poetry for Children and Young People, 1976–1981. New York: Wilson, 1981.

Sell, Violet, Dorothy B. Frizzell Smith, Ardis Sarff O’Hoyt, and Mildred Bakke. Subject Index to Poetry for Children and Young People. Chicago: American Library Association, 1957,  0-8389-0242-1.