Katana VentraIP

Culture of life

A culture of life describes a way of life based on the belief that human life begins at conception, and is sacred at all stages from conception through natural death.[1] It opposes abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment (also known as the death penalty),[note 1] studies and medicines involving embryonic stem cells, and contraception, because they are seen as destroying life.[5][6][7] It also promotes policies that "lift up the human spirit with compassion and love."[8] The term originated in moral theology, especially that of the Catholic Church, and was popularly championed by Pope John Paul II;[9][10] it has been widely used by religious leaders in evangelical Christianity as well.[11][12] The philosophy of such a culture is a consistent life ethic.[13]

In the United States, secular politicians such as George W. Bush and Kanye West have also used the phrase.[14][15][8] In 2004, the Republican Party included a plank in their platform for "Promoting a Culture of Life".[16]

Christian right

Consistent life ethic

Family values

Sanctity of life

 – Concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche

Affirmation of life

 – Concept in Albert Schweitzer's ethical philosophy

Reverence for Life

Pope Paul VI (July 25, 1968). .

"Humanae vitae"

Pope John Paul II (March 25, 1995). .

"Evangelium vitae"

Day, Kristen (2006). . Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy. 20: 383–399.

"Politics and the Culture of Life – Why I am Still a Democrat"

"Pope ends visit with frank talk", State Journal Register, Springfield, Illinois (August 16, 1993)

"Bush Woos Catholics On Abortion Nominee, Echoes Pope's 'Culture Of Life' Phrase", Boston Globe (October 9, 2000)

"It should be our goal as a nation to build a culture of life, where all Americans are valued, welcomed, and protected..."

White House statement on Terri Schiavo

– The United States Council of Catholic Bishops Pro-Life site including many articles on the Catholic Church's varied aspects on the Culture of Life.


"President Bush told thousands of antiabortion marchers yesterday that his administration is making progress toward fostering a culture of life by enacting measures that limit abortion and stem cell research while expanding the legal definition of life."

Bush Hails Progress Towards "Culture of Life"