Katana VentraIP

Dogon languages

The Dogon languages are a small closely related language family that is spoken by the Dogon people of Mali and may belong to the proposed Niger–Congo family. There are about 600,000 speakers of its dozen languages. They are tonal languages, and most, like Dogul, have two tones, but some, like Donno So, have three. Their basic word order is subject–object–verb.


Plains Dogon: ,*Tɔrɔ tegu, Western Plains (dialects: Togo kã, Tengu kã, Tomo kã)


(dialects: Tɔrɔ sɔɔ,*Tommo so, Donno sɔ aka Kamma sɔ)

Escarpment Dogon

West Dogon: , Mombo, AmpariPenange; Budu


North Plateau Dogon: , Dogul



Nanga: , Bankan Tey (Walo), Ben Tey



Languages of Mali


Dogon word lists

& Olsen, Elizabeth J. & White, Ann R. (1989) 'Dogon', in Bendor-Samuel & Rhonda L. Hartell (eds.) The Niger–Congo languages: A classification and description of Africa's largest language family (pp. 169–177). Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.

Bendor-Samuel, John

Bertho, J. (1953) 'La place des dialectes dogon de la falaise de Bandiagara parmi les autres groupes linguistiques de la zone soudanaise,' Bulletin de l', 15, 405–441.


(2005a). "A survey of Dogon languages in Mali: Overview". OGMIOS: Newsletter of Foundation for Endangered Languages. 3.02 (26): 14–15. Retrieved 2011-06-30..

Blench, Roger

(2005b) 'Baŋgi me, a language of unknown affiliation in Northern Mali', OGMIOS: Newsletter of Foundation for Endangered Languages, 3.02 (#26), 15–16. (report with wordlist)

Blench, Roger

(1956) Les dialectes Dogon. Africa, 26 (1), 62–72.

Calame-Griaule, Geneviève

(1968) Dictionnaire Dogon Dialecte tɔrɔ: Langue et Civilisation. Paris: Klincksieck: Paris.

Calame-Griaule, Geneviève

(2008) A grammar of Jamsay. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Heath, Jeffrey

Hochstetler, J. Lee; Durieux, J. A.; Durieux-Boon, E. I. K., eds. (2004). (PDF). Retrieved 2021-02-22. {{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help)

Sociolinguistic Survey of the Dogon Language Area

Moran, Steven; Prokić, Jelena (2013). . Literary and Linguistic Computing. 28 (4). University of Zurich: 676–691. doi:10.1093/llc/fqt061.

"Investigating the Relatedness of the Endangered Dogon Languages"

(1995) Dogon (Languages of the world materials vol. 64). München: LINCOM Europa

Plungian, Vladimir Aleksandrovič

& Blench, Roger (2000) 'Niger–Congo', in Heine, Bernd and Nurse, Derek (eds) African Languages – An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, pp. 11–42.

Williamson, Kay

Dogon and Bangime Linguistics

Dogon linguistics website

on Rogerblench.info (includes linguistic data and pictures)

Dogon languages

Abbie Hantgan (2007)

Dogon Languages and Linguistics An (sic) Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography