Feminism of Madonna
American singer-songwriter Madonna is seen by some as a feminist icon. Throughout best part of her career, Madonna's forays into feminism, womanhood and media representation of women have sparked discussions among numerous feminist scholars and commentators worldwide. She has also been noted for her advocacy of women's rights.
Labeled as "an almost sacred feminist icon" by Professor of Communication of the University of Massachusetts and founder and executive director of the Media Education Foundation, Sut Jhally, her feminist reception has attracted both derogatory and celebratory cultural analysis. Scholars such as Karlene Faith, Sarah Churchwell and Mary Cross have remarked on the polarization of Madonna, while also noting that it is not only of her, but that feminism itself is divided by many waves, agendas and ideologies. Analyses also defined her ambiguous impact and helped define public perceptions on Madonna; Lucy O'Brien referred to her as a "complex feminist heroine".
The advent of Madonna was viewed by a number of scholars as a boost for feminism in music for different measurements. Scholar feminist Camille Paglia believes she "changed" the face of feminism back in the 1990s. She also became a well-known role model for many generations of women; Strawberry Saroyan have seen it as "one of the most relevant aspects" of her legacy. In Girl Heroes (2002), author claimed that her influence "ushered" in contemporary girl culture the representation of female popstar as "virtual teacher, mentor and role model". She was also blasted in equal measurement, while French critic Georges-Claude Guilbert once commented the amount of reproaches that she gets was proportional to her status as a role model. Other group of authors and academics ranging from Ty Burr to Marcel Danesi and Robert C Sickels, discussed and felt how Madonna's media representation of women's roles/stereotypes crossed boundaries in popular culture at some stage. Up to early 2020s, her path built in the past continued to be recognized and denied, while a contemporary aged Madonna was criticized by observers like Piers Morgan or appreciated by Sarah Vine and Naomi Wolf among others.