Katana VentraIP

Hausdorff space

In topology and related branches of mathematics, a Hausdorff space (/ˈhsdɔːrf/ HOWSS-dorf, /ˈhzdɔːrf/ HOWZ-dorf[1]), separated space or T2 space is a topological space where, for any two distinct points, there exist neighbourhoods of each that are disjoint from each other. Of the many separation axioms that can be imposed on a topological space, the "Hausdorff condition" (T2) is the most frequently used and discussed. It implies the uniqueness of limits of sequences, nets, and filters.[2]

Separation axioms
in topological spaces





(completely Hausdorff)

(regular Hausdorff)


(normal Hausdorff)

(completely normal

(perfectly normal

Hausdorff spaces are named after Felix Hausdorff, one of the founders of topology. Hausdorff's original definition of a topological space (in 1914) included the Hausdorff condition as an axiom.

is a Hausdorff space.

Limits of in are unique.[3]


Limits of on are unique.[3]


Any is equal to the intersection of all closed neighbourhoods of .[4] (A closed neighbourhood of is a closed set that contains an open set containing .)

singleton set

The diagonal is as a subset of the product space .


Any injection from the discrete space with two points to has the with respect to the map from the finite topological space with two open points and one closed point to a single point.

lifting property

For a topological space , the following are equivalent:[2]

If is continuous and is Hausdorff then is a closed set.

If is an surjection and is a closed set then is Hausdorff.


If is a continuous, open (i.e. an open quotient map) then is Hausdorff if and only if is a closed set.


Subspaces and products of Hausdorff spaces are Hausdorff, but quotient spaces of Hausdorff spaces need not be Hausdorff. In fact, every topological space can be realized as the quotient of some Hausdorff space.[8]

Hausdorff spaces are T1, meaning that each singleton is a closed set. Similarly, preregular spaces are R0. Every Hausdorff space is a Sober space although the converse is in general not true.

Another property of Hausdorff spaces is that each compact set is a closed set. For non-Hausdorff spaces, it can be that each compact set is a closed set (for example, the cocountable topology on an uncountable set) or not (for example, the cofinite topology on an infinite set and the Sierpiński space).

The definition of a Hausdorff space says that points can be separated by neighborhoods. It turns out that this implies something which is seemingly stronger: in a Hausdorff space every pair of disjoint compact sets can also be separated by neighborhoods,[9] in other words there is a neighborhood of one set and a neighborhood of the other, such that the two neighborhoods are disjoint. This is an example of the general rule that compact sets often behave like points.

Compactness conditions together with preregularity often imply stronger separation axioms. For example, any locally compact preregular space is completely regular.[10][11] Compact preregular spaces are normal,[12] meaning that they satisfy Urysohn's lemma and the Tietze extension theorem and have partitions of unity subordinate to locally finite open covers. The Hausdorff versions of these statements are: every locally compact Hausdorff space is Tychonoff, and every compact Hausdorff space is normal Hausdorff.

The following results are some technical properties regarding maps (continuous and otherwise) to and from Hausdorff spaces.

Let be a continuous function and suppose is Hausdorff. Then the graph of , , is a closed subset of .

Let be a function and let be its kernel regarded as a subspace of .

If are continuous maps and is Hausdorff then the equalizer is a closed set in . It follows that if is Hausdorff and and agree on a dense subset of then . In other words, continuous functions into Hausdorff spaces are determined by their values on dense subsets.

Let be a closed surjection such that is compact for all . Then if is Hausdorff so is .

Let be a quotient map with a compact Hausdorff space. Then the following are equivalent:

Preregularity versus regularity[edit]

All regular spaces are preregular, as are all Hausdorff spaces. There are many results for topological spaces that hold for both regular and Hausdorff spaces. Most of the time, these results hold for all preregular spaces; they were listed for regular and Hausdorff spaces separately because the idea of preregular spaces came later. On the other hand, those results that are truly about regularity generally do not also apply to nonregular Hausdorff spaces.

There are many situations where another condition of topological spaces (such as paracompactness or local compactness) will imply regularity if preregularity is satisfied. Such conditions often come in two versions: a regular version and a Hausdorff version. Although Hausdorff spaces are not, in general, regular, a Hausdorff space that is also (say) locally compact will be regular, because any Hausdorff space is preregular. Thus from a certain point of view, it is really preregularity, rather than regularity, that matters in these situations. However, definitions are usually still phrased in terms of regularity, since this condition is better known than preregularity.

See History of the separation axioms for more on this issue.


The terms "Hausdorff", "separated", and "preregular" can also be applied to such variants on topological spaces as uniform spaces, Cauchy spaces, and convergence spaces. The characteristic that unites the concept in all of these examples is that limits of nets and filters (when they exist) are unique (for separated spaces) or unique up to topological indistinguishability (for preregular spaces).

As it turns out, uniform spaces, and more generally Cauchy spaces, are always preregular, so the Hausdorff condition in these cases reduces to the T0 condition. These are also the spaces in which completeness makes sense, and Hausdorffness is a natural companion to completeness in these cases. Specifically, a space is complete if and only if every Cauchy net has at least one limit, while a space is Hausdorff if and only if every Cauchy net has at most one limit (since only Cauchy nets can have limits in the first place).

Algebra of functions[edit]

The algebra of continuous (real or complex) functions on a compact Hausdorff space is a commutative C*-algebra, and conversely by the Banach–Stone theorem one can recover the topology of the space from the algebraic properties of its algebra of continuous functions. This leads to noncommutative geometry, where one considers noncommutative C*-algebras as representing algebras of functions on a noncommutative space.

Hausdorff condition is illustrated by the pun that in Hausdorff spaces any two points can be "housed off" from each other by .[13]

open sets

In the Mathematics Institute of the , in which Felix Hausdorff researched and lectured, there is a certain room designated the Hausdorff-Raum. This is a pun, as Raum means both room and space in German.

University of Bonn

 – Space where all functions have fixed points, a Hausdorff space X such that every continuous function f : XX has a fixed point.

Fixed-point space

Locally Hausdorff space

 – generalization of manifolds

Non-Hausdorff manifold

 – a set X equipped with a function that associates to every compact Hausdorff space K a collection of maps K→C satisfying certain natural conditions

Quasitopological space

 – Axioms in topology defining notions of "separation"

Separation axiom

 – concept in algebraic topology

Weak Hausdorff space

Arkhangelskii, A.V.; (1990). General Topology I. Springer. ISBN 3-540-18178-4.

Pontryagin, L.S.

(1966). Elements of Mathematics: General Topology. Addison-Wesley.


, Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press, 2001 [1994]

"Hausdorff space"

(1996). Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-622760-4. OCLC 175294365.

Schechter, Eric

Willard, Stephen (2004). . Dover Publications. ISBN 0-486-43479-6.

General Topology