Modular reduction and lifting[edit]
Hensel's original lemma concerns the relation between polynomial factorization over the integers and over the integers modulo a prime number p and its powers. It can be straightforwardly extended to the case where the integers are replaced by any commutative ring, and p is replaced by any maximal ideal (indeed, the maximal ideals of have the form where p is a prime number).
Making this precise requires a generalization of the usual modular arithmetic, and so it is useful to define accurately the terminology that is commonly used in this context.
Let R be a commutative ring, and I an ideal of R. Reduction modulo I refers to the replacement of every element of R by its image under the canonical map For example, if is a polynomial with coefficients in R, its reduction modulo I, denoted is the polynomial in obtained by replacing the coefficients of f by their image in Two polynomials f and g in are congruent modulo I, denoted if they have the same coefficients modulo I, that is if If a factorization of h modulo I consists in two (or more) polynomials f, g in such that
The lifting process is the inverse of reduction. That is, given objects depending on elements of the lifting process replaces these elements by elements of (or of for some k > 1) that maps to them in a way that keeps the properties of the objects.
For example, given a polynomial and a factorization modulo I expressed as lifting this factorization modulo consists of finding polynomials such that and Hensel's lemma asserts that such a lifting is always possible under mild conditions; see next section.
Using the lemma, one can "lift" a root r of the polynomial f modulo pk to a new root s modulo pk+1 such that r ≡ s mod pk (by taking m = 1; taking larger m follows by induction). In fact, a root modulo pk+1 is also a root modulo pk, so the roots modulo pk+1 are precisely the liftings of roots modulo pk. The new root s is congruent to r modulo p, so the new root also satisfies So the lifting can be repeated, and starting from a solution rk of we can derive a sequence of solutions rk+1, rk+2, ... of the same congruence for successively higher powers of p, provided that for the initial root rk. This also shows that f has the same number of roots mod pk as mod pk+1, mod pk+2, or any other higher power of p, provided that the roots of f mod pk are all simple.
What happens to this process if r is not a simple root mod p? Suppose that
Then implies That is, for all integers t. Therefore, we have two cases:
Example. To see both cases we examine two different polynomials with p = 2:
and r = 1. Then and We have which means that no lifting of 1 to modulus 4 is a root of f(x) modulo 4.
and r = 1. Then and However, since we can lift our solution to modulus 4 and both lifts (i.e. 1, 3) are solutions. The derivative is still 0 modulo 2, so a priori we don't know whether we can lift them to modulo 8, but in fact we can, since g(1) is 0 mod 8 and g(3) is 0 mod 8, giving solutions at 1, 3, 5, and 7 mod 8. Since of these only g(1) and g(7) are 0 mod 16 we can lift only 1 and 7 to modulo 16, giving 1, 7, 9, and 15 mod 16. Of these, only 7 and 9 give g(x) = 0 mod 32, so these can be raised giving 7, 9, 23, and 25 mod 32. It turns out that for every integer k ≥ 3, there are four liftings of 1 mod 2 to a root of g(x) mod 2k.
Related concepts[edit]
Completeness of a ring is not a necessary condition for the ring to have the Henselian property: Goro Azumaya in 1950 defined a commutative local ring satisfying the Henselian property for the maximal ideal m to be a Henselian ring.
Masayoshi Nagata proved in the 1950s that for any commutative local ring A with maximal ideal m there always exists a smallest ring Ah containing A such that Ah is Henselian with respect to mAh. This Ah is called the Henselization of A. If A is noetherian, Ah will also be noetherian, and Ah is manifestly algebraic as it is constructed as a limit of étale neighbourhoods. This means that Ah is usually much smaller than the completion  while still retaining the Henselian property and remaining in the same category.