Katana VentraIP

Malayan Communist Party

The Malayan Communist Party (MCP), officially the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), was a Marxist–Leninist and anti-imperialist communist party which was active in British Malaya and later, the modern states of Malaysia and Singapore from 1930 to 1989. It was responsible for the creation of both the Malayan Peoples' Anti-Japanese Army and the Malayan National Liberation Army.

Communist Party of Malaya

Parti Komunis Malaya
ڤرتي کومونيس ملايا

Má-lâi-a Kiōng-sán-tóng
Maa5 Loi4 Aa3 Gung6 Caan2 Dong2
Mǎláiyǎ Gòngchǎndǎng

மலாயா பொதுவுடைமை கட்சி
Malāyā Potuvuṭaimai Kaṭci


  • Lei Kuang-juan
  • Wu Ching
  • Wei Ching-chow
  • Lin Ching-chung
  • Chen Shao-chang

April 1930 (1930-04)

2 December 1989 (1989-12-02)

Min Sheng Pau



"Kaum buruh semua negeri, bersatulah!"
("Workers of the world, unite!")

The party led resistance efforts against the Japanese occupation of Malaya and Singapore during World War II, and later fought a war of national liberation against the British Empire during the Malayan Emergency. After the departure of British colonial forces from the Federation of Malaya, the party fought in a third guerrilla campaign against both the Malaysian and Singaporean governments in an attempt to create a communist state in the region, before disbanding in 1989.[2] Today, due to historical connotations surrounding the MCP, communism as an ideology remains a taboo political topic in both countries.


Early Influences[edit]

The communist movement actually appeared in Pahang earlier around the middle of the 1920s. At that time, the Communist Youth League was formed in the Chinese settlement centers such as in Raub, Bentong, Mentakab and Manchis. The followers of this movement are mostly made up of Chinese students who are in their teens and early twenties. They have been taught the ideals of communism by some of their teachers and are usually encouraged to show opposition to capitalism, colonial oppression and western imperialism in their public meetings and discussion groups.[3]


In April 1930 the South Seas Communist Party was dissolved and was replaced by the Communist Party of Malaya.[4] While its primary responsibility was Malaya and Singapore, the party was also active in Thailand and the Dutch East Indies, which did not then have their own Communist parties.


The party operated as an illegal organisation under British colonial rule. On 29 April 1930, a raid conducted by the Singapore Special Branch on a vacant house at 24 Nassim Road in Singapore almost ended the MCP as eight of its original founding members were arrested before being imprisoned or deported back to China.[5] In June 1931, after a Comintern courier was intercepted by the police, about six raids were conducted from June to December saw several party members were arrested and documents seized, sending the party into disarray. Information extracted from the courier indicated at this point there were 1,500 members and 10,000 sympathisers.[6]

Despite this setback, the MCP gained influence in the trade union movement and organised several strikes, most notably at the Batu Arang coal mine in 1935. They also set up workers' committees at some workplaces. These committees, and the strikes, were promptly crushed by troops and police. Many ethnic Chinese strikers were deported to China, where they were often executed by the Chinese Nationalist government as Communists.[7]

After Japan invaded China in 1937, there was a rapprochement between the Malayan Kuomintang and Communists, paralleling that in China. Under the wing of the Kuomintang, the MCP was able to operate more easily. Anti-Japanese sentiment among Malayan Chinese gave the party a great opportunity to recruit members and raise funds under the banner of defence of China.[8]

At this time, the party was infiltrated by an apparent British agent, Lai Teck, who became its Secretary-General in April 1939. Despite this severe security breach, the Party continued to operate effectively. By mid-1939 it claimed about 40,000 members, about half in Singapore.


The MCP was headed by a Central Executive Committee of twelve to fifteen members. About six of these were appointed to the Political Bureau (Politburo) which ran the party when the C.E.C was not in session. Each State had State Central Executive Committee and was in turn subdivided into several Districts. The smallest unit of organisation was the Party cell, which typically consisted of the members from one workplace or village. Large Party Congresses were held on an occasional basis.

World War II[edit]

On 8 December 1941, the Japanese Empire invaded Malaya. The British colonial authorities now accepted the MCP's standing offer of military co-operation. On 15 December, all left-wing political prisoners were released.

From 20 December the British military began to train party members in guerilla warfare at the hastily established 101st Special Training School (101st STS) in Singapore. About 165 MCP members were trained before the British defences collapsed. These fighters, scantily armed and equipped by the hard-pressed British, hurriedly dispersed and attempted to harass the occupying army.

Just before Singapore fell to the Japanese on 15 February 1942, the party began organising armed resistance in the state of Johore. Soon four armed groups, which became known as 'Regiments', were formed, with 101st STS trainees serving as nuclei. In March this force was dubbed the Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA) and began sabotage and ambushes against the Japanese. The Japanese responded with reprisals against Chinese civilians. These reprisals, coupled with increasing economic hardship, caused large numbers of Malayan Chinese to flee the cities. They became squatters at the forest margins, where they became the main source of recruits, food, and other assistance for the MPAJA. The MPAJA consolidated this support by providing protection.

O'Ballance estimates that in mid-1942 the regimental strengths were about 100 in the first Regiment, 160 in the 2nd, 360 in the 3rd, and 250 in the 4th.[9] At this time a 5th, 6th, and 7th Regiment were formed. This army, which included women, was conceived as both a military and political force, along Maoist lines.

When Singapore fell, Lai Teck was arrested by the Japanese and became their agent. On 1 September 1942, acting on his information, the Japanese launched a dawn raid on a secret conference of more than 100 MCP and MPAJA leaders at the Batu Caves just north of Kuala Lumpur, killing most. The loss of personnel forced the MPAJA to abandon its political commissar system, and the military commanders became the heads of the regiments.[10] Following this setback the MPAJA avoided engagements and concentrated on consolidation, amassing 4,500 soldiers by Spring 1943.[11]

From May 1943, British commandos from Force 136 infiltrated Malaya and made contact with the guerillas. Early in 1944 an agreement was reached whereby the MPAJA would accept some direction from the Allied South East Asia Command (SEAC) and the Allies would give the MPAJA weapons and supplies. It was not until the spring of 1945, however, that significant amounts of material began to arrive by air drop.[12]

The war's aftermath[edit]

Japan's surrender on 15 August 1945 caught the combatants in Malaya by surprise. The first British contingent of reoccupation troops did not arrive until 3 September; Singapore was reoccupied only on the 8th. The Japanese garrison withdrew from the countryside, leaving a power vacuum that was filled by the MPAJA. In many places, especially Chinese areas, they were greeted as heroes as they emerged from the forest.

The British recognised the MPAJA's authority, paying its soldiers for the role in the reoccupation. The guerillas, meanwhile, seized Japanese arms and recruited freely, forming an 8th Regiment and lifting their armed strength over 6,000.[13] At the same time they launched reprisals against collaborators in the Malay police force and the civilian population[13] and began to forcibly raise funds.[14]

Many in the rank and file advocated revolution.[15] The cautious approach which was favoured by Lai Teck and a majority of the leadership prevailed—a decision which was later viewed as a major missed opportunity.[16]

On 12 September the British Military Administration (BMA) was installed at Kuala Lumpur.[16] Later that year MPAJA reluctantly agreed to disband. Weapons were handed in at ceremonies where the wartime role of the army was praised.[17] Six thousand eight-hundred soldiers were officially disbanded, but a proportion of weapons were withheld, particularly handguns.[18] The party was still not legal but able to operate without repression.

The MCP adopted a 'National Front' policy, building a broad coalition to work for national independence within legal means. Due to bad economic conditions, the BMA was immediately faced with strikes and demonstrations in which the Communists played an active part. Several were put down by armed force and leaders banished. The MCP also exerted influence through parliamentary parties such as the Malayan Democratic Union (MDU) and the Malay Nationalist Party (MNP).[19]

In 1946, amid a discontent with the leadership's cautious line, an investigation commenced into rumours of Lai Teck's treachery.[20] Before he could be questioned in March 1947, Lai Teck fled the country with party funds.[20] Badly shaken, the Central Executive Committee kept the defection secret for a year while they struggled to come to terms with it.[21] The 26-year-old Chin Peng was chosen as the new Secretary General. A senior officer in the MPAJA 5th Regiment in Perak, he had been the party's principal liaison with Force 136. The party's stance became more resolutely anti-British.

1940. Manifesto calling for expulsion of British imperialism.


February 1943. Anti-Japanese Programme (nine points).


27 August 1945. Eight Point Manifesto. Generally moderate; the only demands objected to by the British were those for an elected assembly and a wide franchise. It "expressed the hope" (Cheah's words) that the British would consider granting self-government to Malaya.


7 November 1945. MCP put six proposals to the BMA. At least one of them went beyond 27 August points: a demand for self-government. This included asking that Malaya be allowed to control its own national defence and foreign relations. Other demands were for less government interference with freedom of speech, publication and assembly, increases of wages, and an end to restrictions on trade, travel and transportation.


From time to time the MCP released policy statements or manifestos to the public.

Charn Yew Pau (‘Combattants' Friend’). Published for the MPAJA Ex-Service Comrades.

MCP Review. Was active in at least May 1948, when it carried a feature on the 'Peasants Struggle in Perak'.

Min Pao. Published in Seremban. It was closed by the government in 1946.

Min Sheng Pau. Has been called the 'voice of the MCP'. It was Malaya's largest Chinese-language daily newspaper. In early June 1948 it tried to move its printing machinery and newsprint into the jungle. It was the MCP's largest financial asset on the peninsula. Its editor, Liew Yit Fan, was arrested 9 June 1948 for sedition.

Sin Min Chu ('New Democracy'). Founded late 1945 or early 1946.


. Secretary-General from 1947 to his death in 2013.

Chin Peng

. Deputy General Secretary from 1947 till his death in 1956. Played a large role in the investigation against Lai Teck.

Yeung Kwo

Lee An Tong. Successor of Yeung Kwo as Deputy Secretary General. Elected as member of Central Executive Committee in 1946.


Chang Ling-Yun. CPM leader based in Beijing from 1953 - 1964. Secretary of the North Malayan Bureau of the Malayan Communist Party from 1964 - 1989.


(Loi Tak). Secretary-General from 1939 to 1947. British and Japanese triple agent.

Lai Teck

(Anwar). Took to the forests at the beginning of the emergency. Was a leader in the MPLA 10th Regiment. Surrendered in February 1950.[48]

Wahi Annuar

. Was in MPAJA. Attended Empire Communist Conference in London. Organised the Perak Rubber Labourers Union after his return from the Conference (c. 1948). It was a rival to John Emmanuel's government-sponsored faction of the Perak Estates Employees Union. Balan's union was very active from the beginning of 1948 until the emergency was declared. Balan was arrested 30 or 31 May 1948.

R. G. Balan

. Also in the Malay Nationalist Party (MNP). Went into the jungle when the emergency was instituted. Became CPM chairman. One of the three MCP signatories at Hat Yai, 1989. He lived beyond his 100th birthday.

Abdullah CD

. the leader of Angkatan Wanita Sedar (AWAS), Malaysia's first nationalist women's organisation and a prominent Malay leader of the Communist Party of Malaya.

Shamsiah Fakeh

. Member of Perak State organisation and wife of Abdullah CD. In November 1945, she defended Lai Teck against rumours of disloyalty.

Suriani Abdullah

. Before World War II, he was a member of the Indian Communist Party, Malaya. During the period of Japanese rule, he joined the Indian National Army (INA). While in the INA he resumed his Communist affiliation and late in the War was arrested by the Japanese for Communist propagandising. After the War, he became President of the Pan Malayan General Labour Union (PMGLU), and President of the Pan Malayan Federation of Trade Unions (PMFTU). At the beginning of the emergency, he joined the guerrilla. He was arrested in May 1949 and hanged for possession of a pistol.

S. A. Ganapathy

Lau Mah. Aliases: Ah Chung, Chin Wei Seong. Secretary of MPAJA 5th Regiment, Perak, in at least 1945. Member of the MCP Central Executive Committee. Killed by security forces in Perak, December 1949.


(Liu Yau). Probably the MCP's most skilled military commander. Chairman of the Central Military Committee of the MPAJA. President of the MPAJA Ex-Service Comrades Association. Head of the MPABA. Killed by government forces in Selangor, 16 July 1948.

Lau Yew

Lee Soong (Lee Siong). MCP representative at the .

Calcutta Youth Conference, 1948

Liew Yit Fan. Political Secretary of MPAJA 2nd Regiment. 'Open' representative of MCP in mid-1947. Editor of Min Sheng Pao, the largest Chinese-language newspaper in the Federation. Arrested on 9 June 1948 for sedition.


Lin Ah Liang. Head of the Singapore branch of the MCP in at least 1946.

. Head of the MCP's Central Propaganda Department and a representative of MCP during the Baling Talks

Chen Tien

. Attended the 'Empire' communist conference in London. May have met Ahmad Boestaman in May and early June 1948 to plan an insurrection to begin in 1950. Arrested at the beginning of the emergency but sprung from a camp in Malacca. One of the three MCP signatories at Hat Yai, 1989.

Abdul Rashid bin Maidin

Soon Kwong. General Secretary of the Selangor MPAJU. He was arrested on 12 October 1945 and charged with extortion committed on 10 September 1945. His arrest, and to a lesser extent that of several MPAJA and MPAJU officials before that, prompted a large anti-government demonstration.

Wu Tien Wang. MCP representative on the British-convoked Singapore Advisory Council, 1945.

: A brilliant graduate of Raffles College, he was the key leader of MCP (Singapore). Was the superior of "The Plen" (Fong Chong Pik)

Eu Chooi Yip

: One of the key leaders of CPM (Singapore)

Fong Chong Pik

: former leader of Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API) who fought the Japanese during the Japanese Occupation in Malaya.[51]

Kamarulzaman Teh

Mohd Yatim Ayob: former communist fighter at Kg. Bharu, Telaga Nenas, Manjung, .


List of political parties in Malaysia

Malayan Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist)

Communist Party of Indonesia

Malaysian Communist Party

Malayan Communist Party (Revolutionary Faction)

North Kalimantan Communist Party