Katana VentraIP

Mariner Books

Mariner Books, originally an imprint of HMH Books,[1] was established in 1997 as a publisher of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry in trade paperback. Mariner is also the publisher of the Harvest backlist, formerly published by Harcourt Brace/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.[2] HarperCollins bought HMH in May 2021 for US$349 million.[3] As of fall 2021, Mariner Books was listed as an imprint of HarperCollins.

Parent company


United States



by J.R.R Tolkien (1937)

The Hobbit

by J.R.R Tolkien (1954)

The Fellowship of the Ring

by J.R.R Tolkien (1954)

The Two Towers

by J.R.R Tolkien

The Return of the King

, by Philip K. Dick (1962)

The Man in the High Castle

, by Italo Calvino, Translated by William Weaver, 1979.

The Castle of Crossed Destinies

, by Italo Calvino, Translated by William Weaver, 1982.

If on a winter's night a traveler

, by Penelope Fitzgerald (1997)

The Blue Flower

101 Things You Don't Know About Science and No one Else Does Either by (1997) ISBN 0-395-87740-7

James Trefil

Suspicious River, (1997) (adapted into a film of the same name)

Laura Kasischke

by Anita Desai (1999) ISBN 0-618-06582-2

Fasting, Feasting

, Anchee Min (2001)

Becoming Madame Mao

by Jhumpa Lahiri (2003) ISBN 0-618-48522-8

The Namesake

The Best Day the Worst Day: Life with Jane Kenyon by (2005) ISBN 0-618-77362-2

Donald Hall

The Every Boy by (2005) ISBN 0-618-77340-1

Dana Adam Shapiro

The Last Gentleman Adventurer: Coming of Age in the Arctic by Edward Beauclerk Maurice (2005)  0-618-77358-4[4]


Generation Rx: How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies by (2005) ISBN 0-618-77356-8

Greg Critser

, The Polish brothers and Jonathan Sheldon. (2005) ISBN 978-0-15-602952-0

The Declaration of Independent Filmmaking: An Insider's Guide to Making Movies Outside of Hollywood

Afterlands: A Novel by (2006) ISBN 0-618-13934-6

Steven Heighton

by Alison Bechdel (2006) ISBN 0-618-87171-3

Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic

My Latest Grievance by (2006) ISBN 0-618-87235-3

Elinor Lipman

by Timothy Egan (2006) ISBN 0-618-77347-9

The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl

by Jonathan Safran Foer (2005)

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

by Natalie Angier (2007) ISBN 0-547-05346-0

The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science

by Tony Vigorito (2007) ISBN 0-15-603122-1

Just a Couple of Days

Lately by Sara Pritchard (2007)  0-618-61004-9[5]


by Neal Bascomb[6]

Hunting Eichmann

by Keith Leonard (2016) ISBN 978-0544649675

Ramshackle Ode

by Jeffrey Lewis[7]

The 2020 Commission Report on the North Korean Nuclear Attacks Against the United States

by Marie Yovanovitch (2022) ISBN 978-0-35-845754-1

Lessons From the Edge: A Memoir

by Jane Ferguson (2023) ISBN 978-0-06-327224-8

No Ordinary Assignment: A Memoir

by Mona Susan Power (2023)

A Council of Dolls

Mariner Books Website