Katana VentraIP

Metastability (electronics)

In electronics, metastability is the ability of a digital electronic system to persist for an unbounded time in an unstable equilibrium or metastable state.[1] In digital logic circuits, a digital signal is required to be within certain voltage or current limits to represent a '0' or '1' logic level for correct circuit operation; if the signal is within a forbidden intermediate range it may cause faulty behavior in logic gates the signal is applied to. In metastable states, the circuit may be unable to settle into a stable '0' or '1' logic level within the time required for proper circuit operation. As a result, the circuit can act in unpredictable ways, and may lead to a system failure, sometimes referred to as a "glitch".[2] Metastability is an instance of the Buridan's ass paradox.

Metastable states are inherent features of asynchronous digital systems, and of systems with more than one independent clock domain. In self-timed asynchronous systems, arbiters are designed to allow the system to proceed only after the metastability has resolved, so the metastability is a normal condition, not an error condition.[3] In synchronous systems with asynchronous inputs, synchronizers are designed to make the probability of a synchronization failure acceptably small.[4] Metastable states are avoidable in fully synchronous systems when the input setup and hold time requirements on flip-flops are satisfied.

Failure modes[edit]

Although metastability is well understood and architectural techniques to control it are known, it persists as a failure mode in equipment.

Serious computer and digital hardware bugs caused by metastability have a fascinating social history. Many engineers have refused to believe that a bistable device can enter into a state that is neither true nor false and has a positive probability that it will remain indefinite for any given period of time, albeit with exponentially decreasing probability over time.[9][10][11][12][13] However, metastability is an inevitable result of any attempt to map a continuous domain to a discrete one. At the boundaries in the continuous domain between regions which map to different discrete outputs, points arbitrarily close together in the continuous domain map to different outputs, making a decision as to which output to select a difficult and potentially lengthy process.[14] If the inputs to an arbiter or flip-flop arrive almost simultaneously, the circuit most likely will traverse a point of metastability. Metastability remains poorly understood in some circles, and various engineers have proposed their own circuits said to solve or filter out the metastability; typically these circuits simply shift the occurrence of metastability from one place to another.[15] Chips using multiple clock sources are often tested with tester clocks that have fixed phase relationships, not the independent clocks drifting past each other that will be experienced during operation. This usually explicitly prevents the metastable failure mode that will occur in the field from being seen or reported. Proper testing for metastability frequently employs clocks of slightly different frequencies and ensuring correct circuit operation.

Analog-to-digital converter

Buridan's ass

Asynchronous CPU

Ground bounce

Tri-state logic

Metastability Performance of Clocked FIFOs

The 'Asynchronous' Bibliography

Asynchronous Logic

Efficient Self-Timed Interfaces for Crossing Clock Domains

Dr. Howard Johnson: Deliberately inducing the metastable state

Detailed explanations and Synchronizer designs

Metastability Bibliography

Cadence Design Systems

Clock Domain Crossing: Closing the Loop on Clock Domain Functional Implementation Problems

Stephenson, Jennifer. . Altera Corporation white paper. July 2009.

Understanding Metastability in FPGAs

Bahukhandi, Ashirwad. Metastability. Lecture Notes for Advanced Logic Design and Switching Theory. January 2002.

Cummings, Clifford E. . SNUG 2001.

Synthesis and Scripting Techniques for Designing Multi-Asynchronous Clock Designs

Haseloff, Eilhard. . Texas Instruments Report. February 1997.

Metastable Response in 5-V Logic Circuits

Nystrom, Mika, and Alain J. Martin. . WCED 2002.

Crossing the Synchronous Asynchronous Divide

Patil, Girish, IFV Division, Cadence Design Systems. Clock Synchronization Issues and Static Verification Techniques. Cadence Technical Conference 2004.

Addison Wesley Longman, 1997, Chapter 6.4.1.

Smith, Michael John Sebastian. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits.

Stein, Mike. EDN design feature. July 24, 2003.

Crossing the abyss: asynchronous signals in a synchronous world

Cox, Jerome R. and Engel, George L., Blendics, Inc. White Paper "Metastability and Fatal System Errors"] Nov. 2010


Adam Taylor, , EE Times, 2013-11-20

"Wrapping One's Brain Around Metastability"