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Minor chord

In music theory, a minor chord is a chord that has a root, a minor third, and a perfect fifth.[2] When a chord comprises only these three notes, it is called a minor triad. For example, the minor triad built on A, called an A minor triad, has pitches A–C–E:

In harmonic analysis and on lead sheets, a C minor chord can be notated as Cm, C−, Cmin, or simply the lowercase "c". A minor triad is represented by the integer notation {0, 3, 7}.

A minor triad can also be described by its intervals: the interval between the bottom and middle notes is a minor third, and the interval between the middle and top notes is a major third. By contrast, a major triad has a major third on the bottom and minor third on top. They both contain fifths, because a minor third (three semitones) plus a major third (four semitones) equals a perfect fifth (seven semitones). Chords that are constructed of consecutive (or "stacked") thirds are called tertian.

In Western classical music from 1600 to 1820 and in Western pop, folk and rock music, a major chord is usually played as a triad. Along with the major triad, the minor triad is one of the basic building blocks of tonal music and the common practice period. In Western music, a minor chord, in comparison, "sounds darker than a major chord"[3] but is still considered highly consonant, stable, or as not requiring resolution.

Some minor chords with additional notes, such as the minor seventh chord, may also be called minor chords.

Minor third = 6:5 = 12:10

Major third = 5:4 = 15:12

So the ratios of minor chord are 10:12:15

And the explication of the unique harmonic in common, between the three notes, is verified by : 10 × 6 = 12 × 5 = 15 × 4

A unique particularity of the minor chord is that this is the only chord of three notes in which the three notes have one harmonic – hearable and with a not too high row – in common (more or less exactly, depending on the tuning system used). This harmonic, common to the three notes, is situated 2 octaves above the high note of the chord. This is the sixth harmonic of the root of the chord, the fifth of the middle note, and the fourth of the high note:


Major and minor

Musical tuning

Major chord

Otonality and Utonality

Minor triads explained on a virtual piano

Minor chords explained on a virtual piano