Katana VentraIP

Algorithmic composition

Algorithmic composition is the technique of using algorithms to create music.

"Music synthesizer" redirects here. For sound synthesizer, see Synthesizer.

Algorithms (or, at the very least, formal sets of rules) have been used to compose music for centuries; the procedures used to plot voice-leading in Western counterpoint, for example, can often be reduced to algorithmic determinacy. The term can be used to describe music-generating techniques that run without ongoing human intervention, for example through the introduction of chance procedures. However through live coding and other interactive interfaces, a fully human-centric approach to algorithmic composition is possible.[1]

Some algorithms or data that have no immediate musical relevance are used by composers[2] as creative inspiration for their music. Algorithms such as fractals, L-systems, statistical models, and even arbitrary data (e.g. census figures, GIS coordinates, or magnetic field measurements) have been used as source materials.

mathematical models

knowledge-based systems


evolutionary methods

systems which learn

hybrid systems


Change ringing

Computational creativity

David Cope

(traditional musical rhythms that are generated by Euclid's algorithm)

Euclidean rhythm

Generative music

Musical dice game

Pop music automation

List of music software

by Michael Edwards. Communications of the ACM, vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 58–67 doi:10.1145/1965724.1965742

"Algorithmic Composition: Computational Thinking in Music"

: Algorithmic Composition. in: Cambridge Companion to Electronic Music, ed. by Nicholas Collins and Julio d'Escrivan, Cambridge University Press 2007. ISBN 978-0-521-68865-9. Abstract

Karlheinz Essl

by Dr. John Francis. Music algorithmic computer programs representing all styles of music, with C source code, produces midi files. 19th ed 2019, now contain 57 programs, 20 styles, and 24 chapters.

Computer Music Algorithms

by Dorien Herremans, Ching-Hua Chuang and Elaine Chew. ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 69:1–30 doi:10.1145/3108242.

"A Functional Taxonomy of Music Generation systems"

: Composing Music with Computers. Focal Press 2001

Eduardo Reck Miranda

Gerhard Nierhaus: Algorithmic Composition – Paradigms of Automated Music Generation. Springer 2008.  978-3-211-75539-6


Curtis Roads: The Computer Music Tutorial. MIT Press 1996

by Robert Smith, et al.

"Automatic Composition from Non-musical Inspiration Sources"

by Martin Supper. Computer Music Journal 25.1 (2001) 48–53

"A Few Remarks on Algorithmic Composition"

Phil Winsor and Gene De Lisa: Computer Music in C. Windcrest 1990.  978-1-57441-116-4


Wooller, Rene, Brown, Andrew R, Miranda, Eduardo, Diederich, Joachim, & Berry, Rodney (2005) In: Generative Arts Practice, 5–7 December 2005, Sydney, Australia.

"A framework for comparison of process in algorithmic music systems."


"Composing with Process: Perspectives on Generative and Systems Music"

on Vimeo

Drew Krause: Introduction to Algorithmic Composition

series of algorithmic composition tutorials

Algorithmic Composer