Katana VentraIP


The nave (/nv/) is the central part of a church, stretching from the (normally western) main entrance or rear wall, to the transepts, or in a church without transepts, to the chancel.[1][2] When a church contains side aisles, as in a basilica-type building, the strict definition of the term "nave" is restricted to the central aisle.[1] In a broader, more colloquial sense, the nave includes all areas available for the lay worshippers, including the side-aisles and transepts.[3] Either way, the nave is distinct from the area reserved for the choir and clergy.[1]

For other uses, see Nave (disambiguation).


The nave extends from the entry—which may have a separate vestibule (the narthex)—to the chancel and may be flanked by lower side-aisles[4] separated from the nave by an arcade. If the aisles are high and of a width comparable to the central nave, the structure is sometimes said to have three naves. It provides the central approach to the high altar.


The term nave is from navis, the Latin word for ship, an early Christian symbol of the Church as a whole, with a possible connection to the "Ship of St. Peter" or the Ark of Noah.[1][3][5] The term may also have been suggested by the keel shape of the vaulting of a church. In many Nordic and Baltic countries a model ship is commonly found hanging in the nave of a church,[6] and in some languages the same word means both 'nave' and 'ship', as for instance Danish skib, Swedish skepp, Dutch schip or Spanish nave.

Longest nave in world: , 262 m (860 ft) total; divided via added partition to not exceed that of St. Peter's in Rome[9]

Basílica de la Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos

Longest nave in : Aarhus Cathedral, 93 m (305 ft)


Longest nave in : Winchester Cathedral, 170 m (560 ft)


Longest nave in : St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, 91 m (299 ft), externally


Longest nave in : Bourges Cathedral, 91 m (299 ft), including choir where a crossing would be if there were transepts


Longest nave in : Cologne cathedral, 58 m (190 ft), including two bays between the towers


Longest nave in : St Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, 91 m (299 ft), in four bays


Longest cathedral nave in : Seville, 60 m (200 ft), in five bays


Longest nave in the : Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City, United States (Episcopal), 70 m (230 ft)

United States

Highest vaulted nave: , France, 48 m (157 ft), but only one bay of the nave was actually built; however, choir and transepts were completed to the same height.

Beauvais Cathedral

Highest completed nave: , Vatican City, 46 m (151 ft)

St. Peter's Basilica

with architectural discussion and ground plans


Cathedral architecture

Cathedral diagram

List of highest church naves