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Ottoman military band

Ottoman military bands were the first-recorded military marching bands. Though often known as mehter (Ottoman Turkish: مهتر, plural: مهتران mehterân; from "senior" in Persian) in West Europe, that word, properly speaking, refers only to a single musician in the band. In Ottoman, the band was generally known as mehterân (مهتران seniors), though those bands used in the retinue of a vizier or prince were generally known as mehterhane (Persian: مهترخانه, meaning "house of seniors"), the band as a whole is often termed mehter bölüğü ("mehter company [troop]"), mehter takımı ("mehter platoon"). In West Europe, the band's music is also often called Janissary music because the janissaries formed the core of the bands.

section of the zurna players/clarinettists

of the hornists/trumpeters

of the nakkare drummers

of the cymbalists

of the davul and frame drummers

of the çoğan players (also formed the choir portion of the band)

of the Kös timpanist/s

The çorbacıbaşı, leader of the mehter takımı, with horsetail as a sign of rank

The çorbacıbaşı, leader of the mehter takımı, with horsetail as a sign of rank

Flag and standard bearers

Flag and standard bearers

Ottoman classical music

Ottoman imperial anthem

Music of Turkey


Turkish music (style)

a mehter band instrument (called Schellenbaum, in German military bands)

Turkish crescent

Feldman, Walter (2021). . In Fleet, Kate; Krämer, Gudrun; Matringe, Denis; Nawas, John; Rowson, Everett (eds.). Encyclopaedia of Islam (3rd ed.). Brill Online. ISSN 1873-9830.


Thornton, Thomas, The Present State of Turkey; Or,: A Description of the Political, Civil, and Religious, Constitution, Government, and Laws of the Ottoman Empire ... Together with the Geographical, Political, and Civil, State of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, Volume I, Printed for Joseph Mawman, London, 1809

The Ministry of Culture Istanbul Historical Music Ensemble

Ottoman military band and Europe

TheOttomans.org: entry on the Mehterhane

Mehter marşlari (sound recording), Istanbul: Sera, 2001?,  50813631


Turkish Facebook Page

Musics of Ottoman Military Band

60 Pictures of band at Military Museum Istanbul