Katana VentraIP

Panagyurishte Treasure

The Panagyurishte Treasure (Bulgarian: Панагюрско златно съкровище) is a Thracian treasure.[1]

Panagyurishte Treasure

400 BC – 300 BC

1949 at Panagyurishte


The treasure consists of a phiale, an amphora, three oinochoai and four rhytons with total weight of 6.164 kg of 24-karat gold.[2][3][4] All nine vessels are richly and skilfully decorated.[5] It is dated from the turn of the 4th-3rd centuries BC.[6] It is thought to have been used as a royal ceremonial set by the Thracian king Seuthes III.[7][8][9]

The items may have been buried to hide them during 4th century BC invasions of the area by the Celts or Macedonians.[10] The phiale carries inscriptions giving its weight in Greek drachmae and Persian darics.[11]

Exhibitions around the world and replicas[edit]

As one of the best known surviving artefacts of Thracian culture, the treasure has been displayed at various museums around the world.[14][5][15][16][17] The treasure is the centerpiece of the Thracian art collection of the Plovdiv Regional Historical Museum, the National Museum of History in Sofia, and the History Museum in Panagyurishte.[18] There are three replica sets, which are displayed in the museums in Panagyurishte, Sofia and Plovdiv, when the authentic treasure is lent for exhibitions abroad.[19]

Rogozen Treasure

Valchitran Treasure

Lukovit Treasure

Borovo Treasure

Tsontchev, Dimiter (1955), "The Gold Treasure of Panagurishte", Archaeology, vol. 8, Archaeological Institute of America, pp. 218–227,  41663325


(1961). Panagyurskoto sukroviste. Sofia: Bulgarski Hudozhnik.

Venedikov, Ivan

(December 1962). "A Gold Libation Bowl". The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. 21 (4): 154–166. doi:10.2307/3257939. JSTOR 3257939.

von Bothmer, Dietrich

Kontoleon, N.M. (1962), "The Gold Treasure of Panagurischte", , vol. 3, pp. 185–200, retrieved 24 June 2018

Balkan Studies

Corbett, P.E. (1964). "Reviewed Work: Venedikov, (I.) "The Panagyurishte Gold Treasure" Sofia: "Bulgarski Houdozhnik" Publishing House, 1961, Pp. 29, 39 plates. 14 figures". The Journal of Hellenic Studies. 84: 229–231. :10.2307/627788. JSTOR 627788.


Strong, Donald Emrys (1966). Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. pp. 97, 102.

Griffith, John G. (1974). "The Siege Scene on the Gold Amphora of the Panagjurischte Treasure". Journal of Hellenic Studies. 94: 38–49. :10.2307/630418. JSTOR 630418.


Hoddinott, Ralph F. (1975). Bulgaria in Antiquity: An Archaeological Introduction. London, Tonbridge: Ernest Benn Limited. pp. 85, 89.

(March 1976). "Thracian Treasures". The Burlington Magazine. 118 (876): 179–174. JSTOR 878327.

Moorey, P. R. S

Marazov, Ivan; Fol, Alexander (1977). . New York: St. Martin’s Press. pp. 22, 60, 66, 69, 75, 79, 81–85, 100, 111, 153. Retrieved 8 June 2018 – via Internet Archive.

Thrace and the Thracians

(1977). "The Archaeological Wealth of Ancient Thrace". The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. 35 (1): 39 (color plates 9–14). doi:10.2307/3258668. JSTOR 3258668. via- Met Publications

Venedikov, Ivan

(June 10, 1977). "Glory of Thrace Shines at MET". The New York Times: 54. Retrieved 1 June 2018.

Kramer, Hilton

"The Panagyurishte treasure, Turn of the Fourth and Third Century B.C., Archaeological Museum, Plovdiv, items 361-369". . New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1977. Retrieved 25 June 2018 – via Digital Collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Thracian Treasures from Bulgaria: Checklist of The Special Exhibition, June 11- September 4, 1977, coordinated by Dietrich von Bothmer

Vickers, Michael (1989). "Panagyurishte, Dalboki, Lukovit and Rogozen: Questions of Metrology and Status". In Cook, B. F. (ed.). The Rogozen Treasure: Papers of the Anglo-Bulgarian Conference 12 March 1987. London: British Museum Publications. pp. 33–37.

Moonan, Wendy (May 22, 1998). . The New York Times. Retrieved 3 June 2018.

"ANTIQUES; Rediscovering 'Lost' Culture Of Thrace"

Rotroff, Susan I. (July–August 1998). . Archaeology. 51 (4): 64–67. Retrieved 3 June 2018 – via Archaeology Archive.

"Thracian Glitter: A dazzling display of ancient art"

Marazov, Ivan; (1998). Ancient gold: The Wealth of the Thracians: Treasures from the Republic of Bulgaria. New York: Harry N. Abrams, in Association with the Trust for Museum Exhibitions, in Cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria. pp. 145–148.

Fol, Alexander

Archibald, Zosia H. (1998). The Odrysian kingdom of Thrace: Orpheus unmasked. Oxford, New York: Clarendon and Oxford University Press. pp. 271–272, 328.

(2003). The Panagyurishte Treasure. Varna: Slavena Publishing House.

Kitov, Georgi

Fanthrope, Lionel; Fanthorpe, Patricia (2009). Secrets of the World's Undiscovered Treasures. Toronto, Ontario: Dundurn. p. 72.

Guzzo, Pier Giovanni; Spatafora, Francesca; Vassalo, Stefano (2010). "Una phiale d'oro iscritta dall'entroterra di Himera /An inscribed golden phial from the hinterland of Himera: from Sicily to New York and back". Mélanges de l'École française de Rome: Antiquité (122–2): 451–477. :10.4000/mefra.303.


(2011). The Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations: THE HISTORY OF BULGARIA. Santa Barbara, CA; Denver, CO; Oxford, England: Greenwood, An Imprint of ABC-Clio, LLC. pp. 1, 145.

Chary, Frederick B.

Ovadiah, Asher (2014). . Gerión. 32: 137–155. Retrieved 27 June 2018.

"A New Look at the Mythological Representation of the Panagyurishte Gold Treasure, Bulgaria"

Valeva, Julia (2015). "Chapter 14: Gold, Silver and Bronze Vessels". In Valeva, Julia; Nankov, Emil; Graninger, Denver (eds.). A Companion to Ancient Thrace. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 202–203.

(2016). The Treasures of Alexander the Great: How One Man's Wealth Shaped the World. Oxford University Press. p. 47.

Holt, Frank Lee

Panagyurishte Treasure


The Panagyurishte Golden Treasure


The Panagyurishte Treasure at the Plovdiv Archaeological Museum