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Pierre Duhem

Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem (French: [pjɛʁ mɔʁis maʁi dy.ɛm, moʁ-] ; 9 June[4] 1861 – 14 September 1916) was a French theoretical physicist who worked on thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, and the theory of elasticity. Duhem was also a historian of science, noted for his work on the European Middle Ages, which is regarded as having created the field of the history of medieval science.[5] As a philosopher of science, he is remembered principally for his views on the indeterminacy of experimental criteria (see Duhem–Quine thesis).

For the French physician and politician, see Pierre Joseph Duhem.

Early life and education[edit]

Duhem completed a Ph.D. in 1888 at Université Paul Sabatier titled Étude historique sur la théorie de l'aimantation par influence.[6]

Theoretical physics[edit]

Among scientists, Duhem is best known today for his work on chemical thermodynamics, and in particular for the Gibbs–Duhem and Duhem–Margules equations. His approach was strongly influenced by the early works of Josiah Willard Gibbs, which Duhem effectively explained and promoted among French scientists. In continuum mechanics, he is also remembered for his contribution to what is now called the Clausius–Duhem inequality.

Duhem was convinced that all physical phenomena, including mechanics, electromagnetism, and chemistry, could be derived from the principles of thermodynamics.[7] Influenced by Macquorn Rankine's "Outlines of the Science of Energetics",[8] Duhem carried out this intellectual project in his Traité de l'Énergétique (1911), but was ultimately unable to reduce electromagnetic phenomena to thermodynamic first principles.

With Ernst Mach, Duhem shared a skepticism about the reality and usefulness of the concept of atoms.[9] He therefore did not follow the statistical mechanics of Maxwell, Boltzmann, and Gibbs, who explained the laws of thermodynamics in terms of the statistical properties of mechanical systems composed of many atoms.

Duhem was an opponent of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.[10][11] In 1914, Duhem commented that Einstein's relativity theory "has turned physics into a real chaos where logic loses its way and common-sense runs away frightened".[12] In his 1915 book La Science Allemande, he argued strongly against relativity.[11] Duhem stated that the theory of relativity "overthrow[s] all the doctrines in which one has spoken of space, of time, of movement, all the theories of mechanics and of physics".[13]

(1886). . Paris: A. Hermann.

Le Potentiel Thermodynamique et ses Applications à la Mécanique Chimique et à l'Étude des Phénomènes Électriques

(1888). De l'Aimantation par Influence. Suivi de Propositions Données par la Faculté. Paris, Gauthier-Villars et Fils.

(1891). Cours de Physique Mathématique et de Cristallographie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lille. Paris: A. Hermann.

(1891–1892). Leçons sur l'Électricité et le Magnétisme. Paris: Gauthier-Villars et Fils, (English EPUB), tome II (English EPUB), tome III (English EPUB).

tome I

(1893). Introduction à la Mécanique Chimique. Paris: G. Carré.

(1894). . Bruxelles: Impr. de Hayez.

Sur les Déformations Permanentes et l'Hysteresis

(1895). Les Théories de la Chaleur.

(1896). . Paris: A. Hermann.

Théorie Thermodynamique de la Viscosité, du Frottement et des faux Équilibres Chimiques

(1902). . Paris: C. Naud.

Le Mixte et la Combinaison Chimique. Essai sur l'Évolution d'une Idée

(1902). . Paris: A. Hermann.

Les Théories Électriques de J. Clerk Maxwell: Étude Historique et Critique

(1902). Paris: A. Hermann.

Thermodynamique et Chimie: Leçons Élémentaires à l'Usage des Chimistes.

(1903). . Paris: Gauthier-Villars.

Recherches sur l'Hydrodynamique

(1905–6). Les Origines de la Statique. Paris: A. Herman, , tome II.

tome I

(1905). L'Évolution de la Mécanique. Paris, A. Hermann.

(1906). . Paris: Chevalier & Riviére (Vrin, 2007).

La Théorie Physique. Son Objet, sa Structure

(1906). . Paris: Gauthier-Villars.

Recherches sur l'Élasticité

Première série

(1908). . Paris: A. Hermann.

Josiah-Willard Gibbs, à propos de la Publication de ses Mémoires Scientifiques

(1908). Sauver les Phénomènes. Essai sur la Notion de Théorie Physique de Platon à Galilée. Paris: A. Hermann (Vrin, 2005).

(1909). . Paris: Impr. Librairie de Montligeon. English EPUB

Le Mouvement Absolu et le Mouvement Relatif

(1911). Traité d'Énergétique. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, (English EPUB), tome II (English EPUB).

tome I

(1913–1959). Le Système du Monde. Histoire des Doctrines Cosmologiques de Platon à Copernic: , tome II, tome III, tome IV, tome V, tome VI, tome VII, tome VIII, tome IX, tome X.

tome I

(1915) . Paris: A. Hermann.

La Science Allemande


Alexander, Peter (1964). "The Philosophy of Science, 1850–1910," in D.J. O'Connor, ed., A Critical History of Western Philosophy. New York: The Free Press, pp. 402–425.

(2011) Pierre Duhem, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, January 20, 2011.

Ariew, Roger

Bordoni, Stefano (2012). . Urbino: Montefeltro. ISBN 9788885363588.

Taming complexity: Duhem's third pathway to thermodynamics

Bordoni, Stefano (2017). . History of Modern Science. Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004315235. ISBN 978-90-04-31523-5. Retrieved 2017-06-13.

When historiography met epistemology: sophisticated histories and philosophies of science in French-speaking countries in the second half of the nineteenth century

Dawson, Christopher (1959). "The Scientific Development of Medieval Culture," in Medieval Essays. New York: Image Books, pp. 122–147.

Dugas, René (1937). (PDF). Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées (49). Alan Aversa (trans.): 68–71. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.10684.69769/1. (EPUB)

"Physical method according to Duhem in view of quantum mechanics (La méthode physique au sens de Duhem devant la mécanique des quanta)"

Deltete, Robert J. (2008). "Man of Science, Man of Faith: Pierre Duhem's 'Physique de Croyant'," Zygon 43 (3), pp. 627–637.

Jaki, Stanley L. (1985–86). The Intercollegiate Review 21 (2), pp. 41–49 [Rep., in The Absolute Beneath the Relative and Other Essays. University Press of America, 1988]. [WARNING: Link leads to phishing website.]

"Science and Censorship: Hélène Duhem and the Publication of the 'Système du Monde',"

Jaki, Stanley L. (1992). Reluctant Heroine, The Life and Work of Helene Duhem. Scottish Academic Press.

Jaki, Stanley L. (1993). "Medieval Christianity: Its Inventiveness in Technology and Science," in Technology in the Western Political Tradition. Ed. M.R. Zinman. Cornell University Press, pp. 46–68.

Kahler, Erich (1943). "Reason and Science," in Man: The Measure. New York: Pantheon Books, Inc.

Quinn, Philip L. (1974). in Robert S. Cohen & Marx W. Wartofsky, eds., Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and Social Sciences. Dordrecht: Reidel Publishing Company.

"What Duhem Really Meant,"

Schaffers, V. (1922). "Pierre Duhem et la Théorie Physique," Revue des Questions Scientifiques, pp. 42–73.

at Internet Archive

Works by or about Pierre Duhem

Obituary, at Science

at Numdam

Works by Pierre Duhem

MacTutor Biography

Pierre Duhem, by Louis de Launay

The Duhem–Quine Thesis in Economics: A Reinterpretation

Pierre Duhem & Thomas Kuhn

Duhem's Bull