Post–World War II anti-fascism
Post–World War II anti-fascism, including antifa groups (/ˈæntifɑː, ænˈtiːfə/[1]), anti-fascist movements and anti-fascist action networks, saw the development of political movements describing themselves as anti-fascist and in opposition to fascism. Those movements have been active in several countries in the aftermath of World War II during the second half of the 20th and early 21st century.
protesting a yearly commemoration of Nazi-graves on the day of national remembrance of the war dead, the 4th of May in ; this remembrance was stopped
protesting commemorations by the German ambassador and members of the at the Ysselsteyn German war cemetery, the largest in Europa containing about 31,000 Nazi-soldiers, SS and Dutch war criminal; after a petition and support from Jewish organisations such as Zentralrat der Juden in Berlin and Beate Klarsfeld and the management of Dachau concentration camp the ambassador relented in 2020
protesting the selling of Nazi-items at dedicated trade fairs and by Dutch subsidiary Marktplaats.nl; Marktplaats has since banished the sale of any item containing swastikas; two of these fairs closed
protesting the sale of anti-semitic books by Dutch subsidiary Bol.nl; these sales were halted[33]
Ahold Delhaize
protesting the sale of two books containing extensive falsehoods on WW-II or the resistance and/or anti-Semitic utterances, namely the -admiring 'De SS'ers' ('The SS') by Armando and Sleutelaar and 'Grijs Verleden' ('Grey Past') by C. van der Heyden
the commemoration of the so-called against persecution of Jews in the region of Hilversum since 2015;
February strike
protesting the commemoration of fallen Dutch aggressors from the Indonesian War of Independence from 1947 till 1950 in
protesting the unwarranted honoring the writer , author of the SS-admiring book 'De SS'ers' in former Amersfoort concentration camp; the event was canceled.
Logo of Antifaschistische Aktion (1930s; Germany)
Logo of Antifascistische Aktie (Netherlands)
Polish logo of Akcja Antyfaszystowska
Antifascist Action logo seen in US
Logo of Sicilia Antifascista (Sicily)
Logo of Action Antifasciste Marseille (Marseille)
Logo of Union Antifasciste Toulousaine (Toulouse)
Logo of Action Antifasciste 06 (France)
Logo of Action Antifasciste 04 (France)
Logo of Antifascistisk Aksjon (Norway)
Logo of Antifa London (London)
Logo of Acción Antifascista (Spain)