Katana VentraIP

Poverty reduction

Poverty reduction, poverty relief, or poverty alleviation is a set of measures, both economic and humanitarian, that are intended to permanently lift people out of poverty.

Measures, like those promoted by Henry George in his economics classic Progress and Poverty, are those that raise, or are intended to raise, ways of enabling the poor to create wealth for themselves as a conduit of ending poverty forever. In modern times, various economists within the Georgism movement propose measures like the land value tax to enhance access to the natural world for all. Poverty occurs in both developing countries and developed countries. While poverty is much more widespread in developing countries, both types of countries undertake poverty reduction measures.[1]

Poverty has been historically accepted in some parts of the world as inevitable as non-industrialized economies produced very little, while populations grew almost as fast, making wealth scarce.[2] Geoffrey Parker wrote that:[3]

Poverty reduction occurs largely as a result of overall economic growth.[4][5] Food shortages were common before modern agricultural technology and in places that lack them today, such as nitrogen fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation methods.[6][7] The dawn of the Industrial Revolution led to high economic growth, eliminating mass poverty in what is now considered the developed world.[4] World GDP per person quintupled during the 20th century.[8] In 1820, 75% of humanity lived on less than a dollar a day, while in 2001 only about 20% did.[4]

Today, continued economic development is constrained by the lack of economic freedoms. Economic liberalization requires extending property rights to the poor, especially to land.[9] Financial services, notably savings, can be made accessible to the poor through technology, such as mobile banking.[10][11] Inefficient institutions, corruption, and political instability can also discourage investment. Aid and government support in health, education, and infrastructure helps growth by increasing human and physical capital.[5]

Poverty alleviation also involves improving the living conditions of people who are already poor. Aid, particularly in the medical and scientific areas, is essential in providing better lives, such as the Green Revolution and the eradication of smallpox.[12][13] Problems with today's development aid include the high proportion of tied aid, which mandates receiving nations to buy products, often more expensive, originating only from donor countries.[14] Nevertheless, some believe (Peter Singer in his book The Life You Can Save) that small changes in the ways people in affluent nations live their lives could solve world poverty.


One of the most popular of the new technical tools for economic development and poverty reduction are microloans made famous in 1976 by the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. The idea is to loan small amounts of money to farmers or villages so these people can obtain the things they need to increase their economic rewards. A small pump costing only $50 could make a very big difference in a village without the means of irrigation. A specific example is the Thai government's People's Bank which is making loans of $100 to $300 to help farmers buy equipment or seeds, help street vendors acquire an inventory to sell, or help others set up small shops. The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Vietnam country programme supports operations in 11 poor provinces. Between 2002 and 2010 around 1,000 saving and credit groups (SCGs) were formed, with over 17,000 members; these SCGs increased their access to microcredit for taking up small-scale farm activities.[88]

Access to information on .

sexual and reproductive health

Action against .

domestic violence

Appointing government scientific advisors in every country.

Deworming school children in affected areas.

Drugs for , tuberculosis, and malaria.


Eliminating .

school fees

Ending for basic health care in developing countries.

user fees

for schoolchildren.

Free school meals

Legislation for , including rights to property.

women's rights


Planting trees

Providing to farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.

soil nutrients

Providing .

mosquito nets

water and sanitation.

Access to electricity

Supporting .


Training programs for in rural areas.

community health

Upgrading slums, and providing land for .

public housing

Klein, Martin H. (2008). Poverty Alleviation through Sustainable Strategic Business Models. p. 295.  978-90-5892-168-0.


on the relationship between poverty reduction, the rule of law and the United Nations.

United Nations Rule of Law: Poverty Reduction

The Life You Can Save – Acting Now to End World Poverty

WNN – Women News Network. 28 August 2007. Lys Anzia

"Educate a Woman, You Educate a Nation" – South Africa Aims to Improve its Education for Girls

Edited by Maximo Torero and Joachim von Braun (2006), Johns Hopkins University Press

Information and Communication Technologies for Development and Poverty Reduction: The Potential of Telecommunications

Highly-Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) debt relief: Lessons from IMF-World Bank work, 2001–2005, Bill Dorotinsky, IMF/FAD