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Presbyterian Church (USA)

The Presbyterian Church (USA), abbreviated PCUSA, is a mainline Protestant denomination in the United States. It is the largest Presbyterian denomination in the country, known for its liberal stance on doctrine and its ordaining of women and members of the LGBT community as elders and ministers. The Presbyterian Church (USA) was established with the 1983 merger of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, whose churches were located in the Southern and border states, with the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, whose congregations could be found in every state.

"PCUSA" redirects here. For the denomination that existed from 1789 to 1958, see Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. For other entities with similar names, see American Presbyterian Church.

Presbyterian Church (USA)


Moderate to Progressive and Liberal

Ruth Santana-Grace and Shavon Starling-Louis

Bronwen Boswell (Acting)

United States

June 10, 1983 (June 10, 1983)

8,705 (as of 2022)[1]

1,140,665 active members (2022)[1]

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The church maintains a Book of Confessions, a collection of historic and contemporary creeds and catechisms, including its own Brief Statement of Faith.[2][3] It is a member the World Communion of Reformed Churches.[4] The similarly named Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is a separate denomination whose congregations can also trace their history to the various schisms and mergers of Presbyterian churches in the United States. Unlike the more conservative Presbyterian Church in America, the Presbyterian Church (USA) supports the ordination of women and affirms same-sex marriages. It also welcomes practicing gay and lesbian persons to serve in leadership positions as ministers, deacons, elders, and trustees.[5]

The Presbyterian Church (USA) is the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States,[6] having 1,140,665 active members and 18,173 ordained ministers (including retired ones)[7] in 8,705 congregations at the end of 2022.[1] This number does not include members who are baptized but not confirmed, or the inactive members also affiliated.[8][9] For example, in 2005, the Presbyterian Church (USA) claimed 318,291 baptized but not confirmed members and nearly 500,000 inactive members in addition to active members.[10] Its membership has been steadily declining over the past several decades; the trend has significantly accelerated in recent years, partly due to breakaway congregations.[11][12][13] Average denominational worship attendance dropped to 431,379 in 2022 from 748,774 in 2013.[14]




Synod of Alaska-Northwest

(Puerto Rico)

Synod of Boriquen

Synod of the Covenant

Synod of Lakes and Prairies

Synod of Lincoln Trails

Synod of Living Waters

Synod of Mid-America

Synod of Mid-Atlantic

Synod of the Northeast

Synod of the Pacific

Synod of the Rocky Mountains

Synod of South Atlantic

Synod of Southern California and Hawaii

Synod of the Southwest

Synod of the Sun

Synod of the Trinity

The Book of Common Worship of 1906

The Book of Common Worship of 1932

The Book of Common Worship of 1946

The Worshipbook of 1970

The Book of Common Worship of 1993

The Book of Common Worship of 2018





The Presbyterian Church (USA) has, in the past, been a leading United States denomination in mission work, and many hospitals, clinics, colleges and universities worldwide trace their origins to the pioneering work of Presbyterian missionaries who founded them more than a century ago.

In 2008, the church supported about 215 (70 as of 2021) missionaries abroad annually.[101] Many churches sponsor missionaries abroad at the session level (the local church level), and these are not included in official statistics.

A vital part of the world mission emphasis of the denomination is building and maintaining relationships with Presbyterian, Reformed and other churches around the world, even if this is not usually considered missions.

The PC(USA) is a leader in disaster assistance relief and also participates in or relates to work in other countries through ecumenical relationships, in what is usually considered not missions, but deaconship.


recognize each other as churches in which the gospel is rightly preached and the sacraments rightly administered according to the Word of God;

withdraw any historic condemnation by one side or the other as inappropriate for the life and faith of our churches today;

continue to recognize each other's Baptism and authorize and encourage the sharing of the Lord's Supper among their members; recognize each other's various ministries and make provision for the orderly exchange of ordained ministers of Word and Sacrament;

establish appropriate channels of consultation and decision-making within the existing structures of the churches;

commit themselves to an ongoing process of theological dialogue in order to clarify further the common understanding of the faith and foster its common expression in evangelism, witness, and service;

pledge themselves to living together under the Gospel in such a way that the principle of mutual affirmation and admonition becomes the basis of a trusting relationship in which respect and love for the other will have a chance to grow.

General Assembly (2009), "The Rules of Discipline", Book of Order, Louisville: Presbyterian Church (USA).

Hall, Russell E. (Summer 1982), "American Presbyterian Churches—A Genealogy, 1706–1982", Journal of Presbyterian History, 60: 95–128

Longfield, Bradley J. (2013), , Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster Johh Knox Press, ISBN 9780664231569

Presbyterians and American Culture: A History

Oast, Jennifer (November 2010), "'The Worst Kind of Slavery': Slave-Owning Presbyterian Churches in Prince Edward County, Virginia", Journal of Southern History, 76 (4): 867–900.

Alvis, Joel L Jr (1994), Religion and Race: Southern Presbyterians, 1946–1983, 197 pp.

Balmer, Randall; Fitzmier, John R (1993), The Presbyterians, 274 pp. Excellent survey by scholars; good starting place.

Banker, Mark T (1993), Presbyterian Missions and Cultural Interaction in the Far Southwest, 1850–1950, 225 pp.

Bender, Norman J (1996), Winning the West for Christ: Sheldon Jackson and Presbyterianism on the Rocky Mountain Frontier, 1869–1880, 265 pp.

Boyd, Lois A; Brackenridge, R Douglas (1983), Presbyterian Women in America: Two Centuries of a Quest for Status, 308 pp.

Fraser, Brian J (1988), The Social Uplifters: Presbyterian Progressives and the Social Gospel in Canada, 1875–1915, 212 pp.

Hirrel, Leo P (1998), Children of Wrath: New School Calvinism and Antebellum Reform, 248 pp.

Klempa, William, ed. (1994), The Burning Bush and a Few Acres of Snow: The Presbyterian Contribution to Canadian Life and Culture, 290 pp.

LeBeau, Bryan F (1997), Jonathan Dickinson and the Formative Years of American Presbyterianism, 252 pp.

Loetscher, Lefferts A (1983), A Brief History of the Presbyterians, 224 pp. A good overview.

Longfield, Bradley J (1991), The Presbyterian Controversy: Fundamentalists, Modernists, and Moderates, 333 pp.

Lucas, Sean Michael (2006), On Being Presbyterian: Our Beliefs, Practices, and Stories, P&R Pub.,  1596380195.


McKim, Donald K (2003), Presbyterian Beliefs: A Brief Introduction, Westminster John Knox Press,  0664502539.


Moir, John S (1975), Enduring Witness: A History of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, 311 pp.

Noll, Mark; Hart, DG; Westerkamp, Marilyn J (2006), "What Has Been Distinctly American about American Presbyterians?", Journal of Presbyterian History, 84 (1): 6–22.

Parker, Harold M Jr (1988), The United Synod of the South: The Southern New School Presbyterian Church, 347 pp.

Presbyterian Church (USA) (c. 1999), , Louisville, KY: Geneva Press, ISBN 0-664-50012-9.

Book of Confessions: Study Edition

Smith, Frank Joseph (1985), The History of the Presbyterian Church in America, 607 pp.

Thompson, Ernest Trice (1963), Presbyterians in the South, vol. 1, 1607–1861, 629 pp.

Wellman, James K Jr (1999), The Gold Coast Church and the Ghetto: Christ and Culture in Mainline Protestantism, 241 pp. (on Chicago's elite Fourth Presbyterian Church).

Weston, William J (1997), Presbyterian Pluralism: Competition in a Protestant House, 192 pp.

Yohn, Susan M (1995), A Contest of Faiths: Missionary Women and Pluralism in the American Southwest, 266 pp.

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Official website

"Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1983 - Present)", , The Association of Religion Data Archives, retrieved May 16, 2024.

Groups - Religious Profiles | US Religion

, APCU, retrieved May 16, 2024.

Presbyterian Colleges and Universities

, PC(USA).

The Presbyterian Historical Society

, PC(USA).

Westminster-John Knox Books, Louisville, Kentucky

(official website).

Presbyterian Lay Committee

A pastoral statement on COVID-19

















































































































