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Promised Land

The Promised Land (Hebrew: הארץ המובטחת, translit.: ha'aretz hamuvtakhat; Arabic: أرض الميعاد, translit.: ard al-mi'ad) is Middle Eastern land in the Levant that Abrahamic religions (which include Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and others) claim God promised and subsequently gave to Abraham (the legendary patriarch in Abrahamic religions) and several more times to his descendants.

This article is about the biblical promise of land to the descendants of Abraham. For other uses, see Promised Land (disambiguation).


Jewish interpretation[edit]

The concept of the Promised Land is the central national myth of Zionism, the Jewish national movement that in 1948 established Israel as a Jewish state in the Land of Israel.[2]

Mainstream Jewish tradition regards the promise made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as having been given to anyone considered a Jew, including proselytes and in turn their descendants[3] and is signified through the brit milah (rite of circumcision).

1845: , Palestine, Description Géographique, Historique et Archéologique," in "L'Univers Pittoresque:

Salomon Munk