Given a ring R and a two-sided ideal I in R, we may define an equivalence relation ~ on R as follows:
Using the ideal properties, it is not difficult to check that ~ is a congruence relation.
In case a ~ b, we say that a and b are congruent modulo I (for example, 1 and 3 are congruent modulo 2 as their difference is an element of the ideal 2Z, the even integers). The equivalence class of the element a in R is given by
This equivalence class is also sometimes written as a mod I and called the "residue class of a modulo I".
The set of all such equivalence classes is denoted by R / I; it becomes a ring, the factor ring or quotient ring of R modulo I, if one defines
(Here one has to check that these definitions are well-defined. Compare coset and quotient group.) The zero-element of R / I is 0 = (0 + I) = I, and the multiplicative identity is 1 = (1 + I).
The map p from R to R / I defined by p(a) = a + I is a surjective ring homomorphism, sometimes called the natural quotient map or the canonical homomorphism.
Clearly, if R is a commutative ring, then so is R / I; the converse, however, is not true in general.
The natural quotient map p has I as its kernel; since the kernel of every ring homomorphism is a two-sided ideal, we can state that two-sided ideals are precisely the kernels of ring homomorphisms.
The intimate relationship between ring homomorphisms, kernels and quotient rings can be summarized as follows: the ring homomorphisms defined on R / I are essentially the same as the ring homomorphisms defined on R that vanish (i.e. are zero) on I. More precisely, given a two-sided ideal I in R and a ring homomorphism f : R → S whose kernel contains I, there exists precisely one ring homomorphism g : R / I → S with gp = f (where p is the natural quotient map). The map g here is given by the well-defined rule g([a]) = f(a) for all a in R. Indeed, this universal property can be used to define quotient rings and their natural quotient maps.
As a consequence of the above, one obtains the fundamental statement: every ring homomorphism f : R → S induces a ring isomorphism between the quotient ring R / ker(f) and the image im(f). (See also: Fundamental theorem on homomorphisms.)
The ideals of R and R / I are closely related: the natural quotient map provides a bijection between the two-sided ideals of R that contain I and the two-sided ideals of R / I (the same is true for left and for right ideals). This relationship between two-sided ideal extends to a relationship between the corresponding quotient rings: if M is a two-sided ideal in R that contains I, and we write M / I for the corresponding ideal in R / I (i.e. M / I = p(M)), the quotient rings R / M and (R / I) / (M / I) are naturally isomorphic via the (well-defined) mapping a + M ↦ (a + I) + M / I.
The following facts prove useful in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry: for R ≠ {0} commutative, R / I is a field if and only if I is a maximal ideal, while R / I is an integral domain if and only if I is a prime ideal. A number of similar statements relate properties of the ideal I to properties of the quotient ring R / I.
The Chinese remainder theorem states that, if the ideal I is the intersection (or equivalently, the product) of pairwise coprime ideals I1, ..., Ik, then the quotient ring R / I is isomorphic to the product of the quotient rings R / In, n = 1, ..., k.
For algebras over a ring[edit]
An associative algebra A over a commutative ring R is a ring itself. If I is an ideal in A (closed under R-multiplication), then A / I inherits the structure of an algebra over R and is the quotient algebra.