Satrapy of Armenia
The Satrapy of Armenia (Old Persian: 𐎠𐎼𐎷𐎡𐎴 Armina or 𐎠𐎼𐎷𐎡𐎴𐎹 Arminiya), a region controlled by the Orontid dynasty (570–201 BC), was one of the satrapies of the Achaemenid Empire in the 6th century BC that later became an independent kingdom. Its capitals were Tushpa and later Erebuni.
This article is about the Satrapy of Armenia. For a list of other Armenian Kingdoms, see Kingdom of Armenia.
Satrapy of Armenia𐎠𐎼𐎷𐎡𐎴
570 BC
321 BC
Despite the Hellenistic invasion of Persia, Persian and local Armenian culture remained the strongest element within society and the elites.[c][12]
The Orontid administration used Aramaic, where it was used in official documents for centuries.[13] Whereas most inscriptions used Old Persian cuneiform.[13] Xenophon used an interpreter to speak to Armenians, while some Armenian villages were conversant in Persian.[13]
The Greek inscriptions at Armavir indicate that the upper classes used Greek as one of their languages.[14] Under Orontes IV (r. ca. 210–200 B.C.), the structure of government had begun to resemble Greek institutions, and Greek was used as the language of the royal court. Orontes IV had surrounded himself by the Hellenized nobility and sponsored the establishment of a Greek school in Armavir, the capital of the Armenian kingdom.[15]