Silent Witness
Silent Witness is a British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes. First broadcast in 1996, the series was created by Nigel McCrery, a former murder squad detective based in Nottingham. Twenty-seven series of Silent Witness have been broadcast since 1996, with series 27 airing in January/February 2024.[1]
For other uses, see Silent Witness (disambiguation).Silent Witness
Amanda Burton
John McGlynn
Clare Higgins
William Armstrong
Ruth McCabe
Mick Ford
Nick Reding
Mark Letheren
William Gaminara
Tom Ward
Emilia Fox
David Caves
Liz Carr
Richard Lintern
Jason Wong
Genesis Lynea
Aki Omoshaybi
Alastair Michael
Rhiannon May
Geoffrey Burgon (s. 1)
John Harle (s. 2–present)
Geoffrey Burgon (s. 1)
John Harle (s. 2–7)
Paul Leonard-Morgan (s. 8)
Sheridan Tongue (s. 9–20)
Andy Price (s. 21–23)
Nick Holywell-Walker (s. 24–25)
United Kingdom
238 (list of episodes)
Caroline Oulton (s. 1–3)
Patrick Spence (s. 4)
Mike Dormer (s. 5)
Jessica Pope (s. 6–9)
Laura Mackie (s. 6–9)
Hilary Salmon (s. 10–11, 19)
Phillippa Giles (s. 12–18)
Anne Pivcevic (s. 19–20)
Richard Stokes (s. 21–23)
Lawrence Till (s.24–25)
Priscilla Parish (s. 24–26)
Caroline Levy (s.24–25)
Emilia Fox (s.24–27)
Ed Whitmore (s.25)
Suzi McIntosh (s.26-27)
Tony Dennis (s. 1)
Alison Lumb (s. 2)
Anne Pivcevic (s. 3)
Lars Macfarlane (s. 4)
Diana Kyle (s. 5)
Nick Pitt (s. 6–8)
Tim Bradley (s. 9–10)
George Ormond (s. 11–12)
Ruth Kenley-Letts (s. 13)
Richard Burrell (s. 14–ep. 15.2)
Mat Chaplin (ep. 15.3)
Lachlan Mackinnon (ep. 15.4–15.6)
Sharon Bloom (s. 16–18)
Madonna Baptiste (s. 19)
Ceri Meyrick (s. 20)
50 minutes (s. 1–5)
60 minutes (s. 6–present)
BBC Studios Drama Productions A&E Networks(series1-3)
21 February 1996
Amanda Burton starred as primary character Dr. Sam Ryan before leaving the show during the eighth series. Since her departure, the series has featured an ensemble cast, which initially consisted of William Gaminara, Tom Ward and Emilia Fox, and later on David Caves, Liz Carr and Richard Lintern alongside Emilia Fox. At the end of series 23 Carr and Lintern both departed. The cast was joined by Genesis Lynea from series 24,[1] who departed at the end of series 25. Series 26 saw Aki Omoshaybi, Rhiannon May and Alistair Michael join the regular cast.[2]
The programme is broadcast in more than 235 territories,[2] including ABC in Australia,[3] Showcase and the Knowledge Network in Canada, KRO in the Netherlands, TV One[4] and Prime[5] in New Zealand, BBC First in South Africa and BBC America in the United States. Silent Witness continues to achieve good audience ratings in the UK. In 2011, for example, Series 14 attracted an average audience of nine million viewers.[6]
The main character in the original series was based on Professor Helen Whitwell, a forensic pathologist based in Sheffield, whom McCrery had known while serving as a police officer. The programme followed the activities of pathologist Sam Ryan, played by Amanda Burton, until she departed early in the eighth series.
There was a succession of regular supporting characters, changing almost every series, but Dr Leo Dalton (William Gaminara) and Dr Harry Cunningham (Tom Ward), who were introduced in the sixth series, continued as lead characters following Ryan's departure, with Dalton replacing her as professor.
A new character, Dr Nikki Alexander (Emilia Fox), was introduced in mid-series eight, based on Dr Brooke Magnanti, a forensic scientist based in Sheffield. While working as a forensic anthropologist, she appropriates facilities and software in the pathology department to analyse an Iron Age find, with the belated, bemused and begrudging approval of Dalton. Dr Alexander is able to assist in a set of cases being investigated by the team, as it turns out she has "worked in forensic pathology in Johannesburg for six months" and is certified by the Home Office to practice. She eventually overcomes Leo's reluctance and, with Harry's support, is offered and accepts a position on the team.
Before the 16th series begins, Harry has left to accept a position in New York City. He is succeeded by forensics expert Jack Hodgson (David Caves) and his assistant Clarissa Mullery (Liz Carr). At the climax of the 16th series, Leo is killed in an explosion. His replacement, Dr Thomas Chamberlain (Richard Lintern), is introduced at the start of the 17th series.
Although the show focuses heavily on areas of pathology, the police also have a presence in each case. During later series of the show, detectives and investigators tend to differ from episode to episode, with guest artists appearing in these roles. However, during the early years of the show several characters appeared regularly to investigate each case.
The first three series were set in Cambridge. This changed to London from the start of the fourth series, following Sam as she took up an academic position in the Lyell Centre, the Pathology Department of UCL. The programme remained in an academic setting until the end of series 16 when the Lyell appeared to have become separated from the university and operated as a stand-alone institution.
Each series is typically made up of a series of two-part stories. The first nine series generally featured eight episodes (four two-part stories), except that series 4 and 5 each featured just six episodes (three two-part stories); this was increased to ten episodes (five two-part stories) from the tenth series onwards, except series 12 and 15 which each featured 12 episodes (six two-part stories). The 25th series, broadcast in 2022, introduced a new format consisting of one story in six episodes.[1]
In 1998, the writer John Milne received an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for the second series episode "Blood, Sweat and Tears". In the United States the series airs during 'Mystery Monday' on BBC America.
The theme music from series 2 onwards is entitled Silencium and is performed by John Harle. The arrangement, for chamber orchestra and soprano saxophone solo, was first performed publicly as part of the Canterbury Festival on 22 October 2011.[7] The vocal section is performed by Sarah Leonard.[8]
Home media[edit]
In Australia (Region 4), series 1 through 23 have been released on DVD through Roadshow Entertainment, starting with series 1 on 7 September 2006 through to series 21 on 28 May 2018. Universal then took over the releases beginning with series 22 on 20 November 2019, and have re-released some earlier seasons this time as individual seasons rather than 2 season editions.