Katana VentraIP

Social action

In sociology,[1] social action, also known as Weberian social action, is an act which takes into account the actions and reactions of individuals (or 'agents'). According to Max Weber, "Action is 'social' insofar as its subjective meaning takes account of the behavior of others and is thereby oriented in its course."[2]

This article is about the sociological concept. For the Italian political party, see Social Action. For the Thai political party, see Social Action Party.

Secher, H. P. (1962), , New York: Citadel Press, archived from the original on 2004-06-20

Basic Concepts in Sociology. Contributors: Max Weber

(1991), "The Nature of Social Action.", Runciman, W.G. 'Weber: Selections in Translation', Cambridge University Press

Weber, Max

Stark, Rodney (2007), Sociology, USA: Thomson Wadsworth,  978-0-495-09344-2


Sciulli, David (1992), Theory of Societal Constitutionalism: Foundations of a Non-Marxist Critical Theory., Cambridge University Press,  978-0-521-41040-3


Weber, Max (1978), Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology., USA: University of California Press,  978-0-520-03500-3


Gecas, Viktor; Schwalbe, M. L. (1983), "Beyond The Looking Glass Self: Social Structure and Efficacy-Based Self-Esteem", The Scholarly Journal Archive, 46 (2): 77–88,  3033844, PMID 6879222


Hedström, Peter. Science/AAAS. 10 Feb. 2006. 17 Oct. 2007

“Experimental Macro Sociology: Predicting the Next Best Seller”

. Personal Mastery 16 October 2007

Society for Organizational Learning

Habits 16 October 2007


Homans GC. 1961. . New York: Harcourt Brace 23 Oct. 2007.

Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms

Frijda, Nico H. . Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1986 23 Oct. 2007

The Emotions

Stark R, Bainbridge WS. 1987. . New York: Peter Lang

A Theory of Religion

Iannaccone LR. 1992. . J. Polit. Econ. 100: 271– 91

Sacrifice and stigma: reducing free-riding in cults, communes, and other collectivities

Iannaccone LR. 1994. . Am. J. Sociol. 99: 1180– 211

Why strict churches are strong

Giddens, Anthony. Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure, and Contradiction in Social Analysis

Atkinson, J. Maxwell. Liberalism and Social Action by John Dewey, Structures of Social Action (Studies in Emotion and social Interaction)