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Sophia (wisdom)

Sophia (Koinē Greek: σοφία, sophía—"wisdom") is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy and religion, Platonism, Gnosticism and Christian theology. Originally carrying a meaning of "cleverness, skill", the later meaning of the term, close to the meaning of phronesis ("wisdom, intelligence"), was significantly shaped by the term philosophía ("love of wisdom") as used by Plato.

"Sapientia" redirects here. For other uses, see Sapientia (disambiguation).

In the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, the feminine personification of divine wisdom as Holy Wisdom (Ἁγία Σοφία; Hagía Sophía) can refer either to Jesus Christ the Word of God (as in the dedication of the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople) or to the Holy Spirit.

References to sophía in Koine Greek translations of the Hebrew Bible are translated from the Hebrew term Chokhmah.

, related concept in Judaism and Kabbalah



Holy Wisdom


, similar concept in Mahayana Buddhism


Sophia (Gnosticism)

or Sophianism



Wisdom literature

Wisdom (personification)

Bulgakov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich (1993). Sophia, the Wisdom of God: An Outline of Sophiology. Hudson, N.Y.: Lindisfarne Press.  0-940262-60-6.


Hainthaler, Theresia; Mali, Franz; Emmenegger, Gregor; Ostermann, Manté Lenkaityté, eds. (2017). Sophia: the Wisdom of God - die Weisheit Gottes (in German). Innsbruck, Wien: Tyrolia-Verlag.  978-3-7022-3578-9.


Hunt, Priscilla (2000). "The Novgorod Sophia Icon and 'The Problem of Old Russian Culture' Between Orthodoxy and Sophiology". Symposion: A Journal of Russian Thought. 4–5: 1–41.

Hunt, Priscilla (2006). "Andrei Rublev's Old Testament Trinity Icon in Cultural Context". In Tsurikov, Deacon Vladimir (ed.). The Trinity-Sergius Lavr in Russian History and Culture. Readings in Russian Religious Culture. Vol. 3. Jordanville, N.Y.: Holy Trinity Seminary Press. pp. 99–122.

Hunt, Priscilla (2007). "Confronting the End: The Interpretation of the Last Judgment in a Novgorod Wisdom Icon". Byzantino-Slavica. 65: 275–325.

Hunt, Priscilla (2009). "The Wisdom Iconography of Light: The Genesis, Meaning and Iconographic Realization of a Symbol". Byzantino-slavica. 67.

Schipflinger, Thomas (1998). Sophia-Maria. York Beach, Maine: Weiser Books.  1-57863-022-3..


Versluis, Arthur (1994). Theosophia: hidden dimensions of Christianity. Hudson, N.Y.: Lindisfarne Press.  0-940262-64-9.


Versluis, Arthur (1999). Wisdom's Children: a Christian esoteric tradition. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press.  0-7914-4330-2.


Versluis, Arthur, ed. (2000). Wisdom's Book: the Sophia anthology. St. Paul, Minn.: Paragon House.  1-55778-783-2.


Divine Wisdom articles compiled by Priscilla Hunt

Virgin Sophia - Rosicrucian Library

Texts about the controversy with regard to Bulgakov's sophiology (in German, English, Russian, French)