The Andy Milonakis Show
The Andy Milonakis Show is an American sketch comedy television show starring Andy Milonakis, which aired on MTV2, the first season having aired on MTV. The program premiered on June 26, 2005 and ended with its three-season run when it was cancelled on May 1, 2007.[1]
The Andy Milonakis Show
Andy Milonakis
United States
22 minutes
June 26, 2005
May 1, 2007
The show features Milonakis and a supporting cast of his actual neighbors and people from the Lower East Side, Manhattan neighborhood. There is no plot, and the sketches tend to be absurdist and silly. The content is rated TV-PG. There are often animated segments, and man-on-the-street segments. The final sketch usually involves a celebrity guest. In the third and final season, Milonakis moved to Los Angeles to be with his now famous pet turtle, Herbie. His best friend, Ralphie, sneaks along and moves with him and made their old friends into household items to bring along.