Tithing in Mormonism
Tithing is a commandment accepted by various churches in the Latter Day Saint movement. In practicing tithing, adherents make willing tithe donations, usually ten percent of their income, to their church. It is based on both the biblical practice of paying tithes and modern revelation given to Joseph Smith and his accepted successors. For many of these churches, the law of tithing replaced or supplemented the law of consecration. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) emphasized tithing in the 1900s and 1960s to assist in paying church debts.
Background and origin[edit]
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery made a covenant on November 29, 1834, in which they promised to give a tenth of all that they received to the poor in the church.[1] However, during the early history of the Church of Christ, most Latter Day Saints understood the scriptural word "tithing" as any amount of consecrated goods or money.[2] For example, in 1837, Presiding Bishop Edward Partridge and his counselors defined "tithing" as two percent of a household's annual net worth.[2][3]: 18
While in Far West, Missouri, Smith stated he received a revelation commanding his followers to build up a holy city Zion and construct another temple. Faced with the future financial burden that this commandment would create, Smith gathered several church leaders on July 8, 1838, and prayed to know how much property God required for tithing.[2] The answer that Smith stated he received is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants,[4] which describes three types of tithing, including "all their surplus property", "all those who gather unto ... Zion shall be tithed", and "one tenth of all their interest annually."[5][6]
The revelation states that the original purpose of the surplus property was "For the building of mine house, and for the laying of the foundation of Zion and for the priesthood, and for the debts of the Presidency of my Church." Additionally, it warned that "if my people observe not this law, to keep it holy ... behold, verily I say unto you, it shall not be a land of Zion unto you."[5]
After Smith received this revelation on tithing, he assigned Brigham Young to collect the Latter Day Saints' "surplus property". Smith did not define the phrase "surplus property", instead allowing the people to judge for themselves.[2] In November 1841, the Quorum of the Twelve stated that "surplus property" would mean "one-tenth." Modern scholars disagree on whether this original provision was only applicable under the law of consecration.[6]: 53–54 After Smith's death and the resulting succession crisis, various factions of the Latter Day Saint movement developed their own tithing practices.
Community of Christ[edit]
The Community of Christ (previously known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) is the second-largest branch of the Latter Day Saint movement, with membership estimated at 250,000 as of 2008.[33]
New converts are expected to prepare an inventory to establish their net worth. Their initial tithing entails a tenth of this net worth, which can be paid at any time. Members then pay their tithing annually, calculated by taking their gross income, subtracting their "basic living needs" and turning over to the church 10% of the remainder.[34] The Community of Christ defines tithing as "offerings to support local, mission center, and worldwide church ministries." Such offerings may include 10% or more of one's income, though poorer members can give any desired amount.[35]
Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite)[edit]
Cutlerites, a small sect with less than 20 members as of 2010,[36] do not practice the law of tithing. They instead practice the United Order, the ideal of "all things common" taught in the early Latter Day Saint church.[37]: 219–47 Cutlerites do not believe that Joseph Smith ever authored the section of the Doctrine and Covenants that mandates tithing, claiming that it was never presented to the membership until after Smith's death.[37]: 297–305
Church of Zion[edit]
The Church of Zion (Godbeites, active circa 1870 to 1890) sought to reform Mormon tithing practices by basing it on one's annual accumulated income.[38]: 180 When the principle was announced, the movement's founder William S. Godbe stated that he hoped they eventually would not need a law of tithing.[38]: 199