Unley High School
Unley High School is located in Netherby, South Australia.
Not to be confused with Unley Central School or Unley Technical High School.Unley High School
The Utmost for the Highest
Greg Rolton
1260 (2021)
the blue and the lighter blue
Unley High School is a member of the Sports Association for Adelaide Schools (SAAS). The school operates an extensive sporting program, both for after-school sport and weekend sport. It participates in South Australian Secondary Schools' Sports Associations programs and also in the Independent Schools' Sporting Association for cricket, hockey and football. It is a member of the Heads of Rowing Schools and has a strong Rowing Club. In 2015 the school hosted the annual schools Head of the River regatta at West Lakes.
The Environment Group helps to increase the sustainability of the school, while decreasing the negative impact it has on the earth because of energy consumption, water usage and waste. Recent achievements include the purchase of a 24,000-litre rainwater tank to replace the water used in the hand basins and showers in the Life Be In It Gym, the purchase of solar panels on the roof of the school, a water grant to replace all the toilets in the school with dual-flush toilets, and an intensive recycling program.