Identity: A logical identity ID(p) is represented by matrix . This matrix operates as follows: Ip = p, p ∈ V2; due to the orthogonality of s with respect to n, we have , and similarly . It is important to note that this vector logic identity matrix is not generally an in the sense of matrix algebra.

identity matrix

Negation: A logical negation ¬p is represented by matrix Consequently, Ns = n and Nn = s. The behavior of the logical negation, namely that ¬(¬p) equals p, corresponds with the fact that N2 = I.



Early attempts to use linear algebra to represent logic operations can be referred to Peirce and Copilowish,[15] particularly in the use of logical matrices to interpret the calculus of relations.

The approach has been inspired in neural network models based on the use of high-dimensional matrices and vectors.[16][17] Vector logic is a direct translation into a matrix–vector formalism of the classical Boolean polynomials.[18] This kind of formalism has been applied to develop a fuzzy logic in terms of complex numbers.[19] Other matrix and vector approaches to logical calculus have been developed in the framework of quantum physics, computer science and optics.[20][21]

The Indian biophysicist G.N. Ramachandran developed a formalism using algebraic matrices and vectors to represent many operations of classical Jain logic known as Syad and Saptbhangi; see Indian logic.[22] It requires independent affirmative evidence for each assertion in a proposition, and does not make the assumption for binary complementation.

Vector logic can be extended to include many truth values since large-dimensional vector spaces allow the creation of many orthogonal truth values and the corresponding logical matrices.


Logical modalities can be fully represented in this context, with recursive process inspired in .[2][23]

neural models

Some cognitive problems about logical computations can be analyzed using this formalism, in particular recursive decisions. Any logical expression of classical propositional calculus can be naturally represented by a .[7] This fact is retained by vector logic, and has been partially used in neural models focused in the investigation of the branched structure of natural languages.[24][25][26][27][28][29]

tree structure

The computation via reversible operations as the can be implemented in vector logic. Such an implementation provides explicit expressions for matrix operators that produce the input format and the output filtering necessary for obtaining computations.[2][6]

Fredkin gate

can be analyzed using the operator structure of vector logic; this analysis leads to a spectral decomposition of the laws governing its dynamics.[30][31]

Elementary cellular automata

In addition, based on this formalism, a discrete has been developed.[32]

differential and integral calculus

Algebraic logic

Boolean algebra

Propositional calculus

Quantum logic

Jonathan Westphal