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Yevgeny Zamyatin

Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin[a] (Russian: Евге́ний Ива́нович Замя́тин, IPA: [jɪvˈɡʲenʲɪj ɪˈvanəvʲɪdʑ zɐˈmʲætʲɪn]; 1 February [O.S. 20 January] 1884 – 10 March 1937), sometimes anglicized as Eugene Zamyatin, was a Russian author of science fiction, philosophy, literary criticism, and political satire.

In this name that follows Eastern Slavic naming customs, the patronymic is Ivanovich and the family name is Zamyatin.

Yevgeny Zamyatin

Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin
(1884-02-01)1 February 1884
Lebedyan, Russian Empire

10 March 1937(1937-03-10) (aged 53)
Paris, Third French Republic

Novelist, journalist

Science fiction, satire


The son of a Russian Orthodox priest, Zamyatin lost his faith in Christianity at an early age and became a Bolshevik. As a member of his Party's Pre-Revolutionary underground, Zamyatin was repeatedly arrested, beaten, imprisoned, and exiled. However, Zamyatin was just as deeply disturbed by the policies pursued by the All-Union Communist Party (b) [VKP (b)] following the October Revolution as he had been by Tsarist policy.

Due to his subsequent use of literature to both satirize and criticize the Soviet Union's enforced conformity and increasing totalitarianism, Zamyatin, whom Mirra Ginsburg has dubbed "a man of incorruptible and uncompromising courage,"[1] is now considered one of the first Soviet dissidents. He is most famous for his highly influential and widely imitated 1921 dystopian science fiction novel We, which is set in a futuristic police state.

In 1921, We became the first work banned by the Soviet censorship board. Ultimately, Zamyatin arranged for We to be smuggled to the West for publication. The outrage this sparked within the Party and the Union of Soviet Writers led directly to the State-organized defamation and blacklisting of Zamyatin and his successful request for permission from Joseph Stalin to leave his homeland. In 1937 he died in poverty in Paris.

After his death, Zamyatin's writings were circulated in samizdat and continued to inspire multiple generations of Soviet dissidents.

Early life[edit]

Zamyatin was born in Lebedyan, Tambov Governorate, 300 km (186 mi) south of Moscow. His father was a Russian Orthodox priest and schoolmaster, and his mother a musician. In a 1922 essay, Zamyatin recalled: "You will see a very lonely child, without companions of his own age, on his stomach, over a book, or under the piano, on which his mother is playing Chopin."[2] Zamyatin may have had synesthesia since he gave letters and sounds qualities. He saw the letter Л as having pale, cold and light blue qualities.[3]

He studied engineering for the Imperial Russian Navy in Saint Petersburg, from 1902 until 1908. During this time, Zamyatin lost his faith in Christianity, became an atheist and a Marxist, and joined the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party.[4]

1905: Revolt and repression[edit]

Zamyatin later recalled the Russian Revolution of 1905 as follows: "In those years, being a Bolshevik meant following the line of greatest resistance, and I was a Bolshevik at that time. In the fall of 1905 there were strikes, and the dark Nevsky Prospekt was pierced by a searchlight from the Admiralty Building. October 17. Meetings in the universities."[5]

In December 1905, Zamyatin agreed to hide in his flat a paper bag filled with the explosive pyroxylin. The following day, he and thirty other Bolsheviks were arrested by the Okhrana inside their "revolutionary headquarters of the Vyborg district, at the very moment when plans and pistols of various types were spread out on the table."[6]

After being arrested and beaten up, Zamyatin managed to smuggle a note out of the prison, instructing his fellow Bolsheviks, "to remove everything compromising from my room and the rooms of my four comrades." Although this was immediately done, Zamyatin did not know of it until much later. During the months he spent in solitary confinement, Zamyatin recalled that he had almost daily nightmares about the paper bag in his flat containing pyroxylin.[7]

In the spring of 1906, Zamyatin was released and sent into exile in his native Tambov Governorate. However, Zamyatin later wrote that he could not stand life among the devoutly Russian Orthodox peasantry of Lebedyan. Therefore, he escaped and returned to Saint Petersburg where he lived illegally before moving to Helsinki, in the Grand Duchy of Finland.[7]

After illegally returning to St. Petersburg, "disguised, clean-shaven, with a pince-nez astride my nose,"[7] Zamyatin began to write fiction as a hobby. He was arrested and exiled a second time in 1911. He later recalled, "I lived first in an empty dacha at Sestroretsk, then, in winter, in Lakhta. There amidst snow, solitude, quiet, I wrote A Provincial Tale."[8]

Life in exile[edit]

After their emigration, Zamyatin and his wife settled in Paris. According to Mirra Ginsburg: "Zamyatin's last years in Paris were years of great material hardship and loneliness. As Remizov wrote, 'He came with sealed lips and a sealed heart.' He found little in common with most of the emigrés who had left Russia a decade earlier."[33]

The screenplay for Jean Renoir's The Lower Depths (1936) from Maxim Gorky's stage play was co-written by Zamyatin.

Zamyatin later wrote: "Gorky was informed of this, and wrote that he was pleased at my participation in the project, that he would like to see the adaptation of his play, and would wait to receive the manuscript. The manuscript was never sent: by the time it was ready for mailing, Gorky was dead."[34] After the film premiered, Zamyatin wrote articles for French magazines and worked on a novel titled The Scourge of God, with Attila as the main character. The novel was never finished.[35]

's Brave New World (1932)[43]

Aldous Huxley

's Anthem (1938)[44]

Ayn Rand

's Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)[45]

George Orwell

's Player Piano (1952)[46]

Kurt Vonnegut

's The Dispossessed (1974)[47]

Ursula K. Le Guin

Uezdnoe (Уездное), 1913 – 'A Provincial Tale' (tr. Mirra Ginsburg, in The Dragon: Fifteen Stories, 1966)

Na kulichkakh (На куличках), 1914 – A Godforsaken Hole (tr. Walker Foard, 1988)

Ostrovitiane (Островитяне), 1918 – 'The Islanders' (tr. T.S. Berczynski, 1978) / 'Islanders' (tr. Sophie Fuller and Julian Sacchi, in Islanders and the Fisher of Men, 1984)

Mamai (Мамай), 1921 – 'Mamai' (tr. Neil Cornwell, in Stand, 4. 1976)

Lovets chelovekov (Ловец человеков), 1921 – 'The Fisher of Men' (tr. Sophie Fuller and Julian Sacchi, in Islanders and the Fisher of Men, 1984)

Peshchera (Пещера), 1922 – 'The Cave' (tr. Mirra Ginsburg, Fantasy and Science Fiction, 1969) – (Dom v sugrobakh), film adaptation in 1927, prod. Sovkino, dir. Fridrikh Ermler, starring Fyodor Nikitin, Tatyana Okova, Valeri Solovtsov, A. Bastunova

The House in the Snow-Drifts

Ogni sviatogo Dominika (Огни святого Доминика), 1922 (play)

Bol'shim detiam skazki (Большим детям сказки), 1922

Robert Maier (Роберт Майер), 1922

Gerbert Uells (Герберт Уэллс), 1922 [H.G. Wells]

On Literature, Revolution, and Entropy, 1924

Rasskaz o samom glavnom (Рассказ о самом главном), 1924 – 'A Story about the Most Important Thing' (tr. Mirra Ginsburg, in *The Dragon: Fifteen Stories, 1966)

Blokha (Блоха), 1926 (play, based on 's folk-story 'Levsha, translated as 'The Left-Handed Craftsman')


Obshchestvo pochotnykh zvonarei (Общество почетных звонарей), 1926 (play)

Attila (Аттила), 1925–27

My: Roman (Мы: Роман), 'We: A Novel' 1927 (translations: Gregory Zilboorg, 1924; Bernard Guilbert Guerney, 1970, Mirra Ginsburg, 1972; Alex Miller, 1991; Clarence Brown, 1993; Natasha Randall, 2006; first Russian-language book publication 1952, U.S.) – , TV film in 1982, dir. Vojtěch Jasný, teleplay Claus Hubalek, starring Dieter Laser, Sabine von Maydell, Susanne nAltschul, Giovanni Früh, Gert Haucke


Nechestivye rasskazy (Нечестивые рассказы), 1927

Severnaia liubov' (Северная любовь), 1928

Sobranie sochinenii (Собрание сочинений), 1929 (4 vols.)

Zhitie blokhi ot dnia chudesnogo ee rozhdeniia (Житие блохи от дня чудесного ее рождения), 1929

'Navodnenie', 1929 – The Flood (tr. Mirra Ginsburg, in The Dragon: Fifteen Stories, 1966) – adaptation in 1994, dir. Igor Minayev, starring Isabelle Huppert, Boris Nevzorov, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Mariya Lipkina


Sensatsiia, 1930 (from the play , by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur)

The Front Page

Dead Man's Sole, 1932 tr. unknown

Nos: opera v 3-kh aktakh po N.V. Gogoliu, 1930 (libretto, with others) – : Based on a Tale by Gogol (music by Dmitri Shostakovich; tr. Merle and Deena Puffer, 1965)

The Nose

Les Bas-Fonds / , 1936 (screenplay based on Gorky's play) – Film produced by Films Albatros, screenplay Yevgeni Zamyatin (as E. Zamiatine), Jacques Companéez, Jean Renoir, Charles Spaak, dir. Jean Renoir, starring Jean Gabin, Junie Astor, Suzy Prim, Louis Jouvet

The Lower Depths

Bich Bozhii, 1937

Litsa, 1955 – A Soviet Heretic: Essays (tr. Mirra Ginsburg, 1970)

The Dragon: Fifteen Stories, 1966 (tr. Mirra Ginsburg, reprinted as The Dragon and Other Stories)

Povesti i rasskazy, 1969 (introd. by D.J. Richards)

Sochineniia, 1970–88 (4 vols.)

Islanders and the Fisher of Men, 1984 (tr. Sophie Fuller and Julian Sacchi)

Povesti. Rasskazy, 1986

Sochineniia, 1988 (ed. T.V. Gromov)

My: Romany, povesti, rasskazy, skazki, 1989

Izbrannye proizvedeniia: povesti, rasskazy, skazki, roman, pesy, 1989 (ed. A.Iu. Galushkin)

Izbrannye proizvedeniia, 1990 (ed. E. Skorosnelova)

Izbrannye proizvedeniia, 1990 (2 vols., ed. O. Mikhailov)

Ia boius': literaturnaia kritika, publitsistika, vospominaniia, 1999 (ed. A.Iu. Galushkin)

Sobranie sochinenii, 2003–04 (3 vols., ed. St. Nikonenko and A. Tiurina)

Collins, Christopher. Evgenij Zamjatin: An Interpretive Study. The Hague and Paris, Mouton & Co. 1973. Examines his work as a whole and includes articles earlier published elsewhere by the author: We as Myth, Zamyatin, Wells and the Utopian Literary Tradition, and Islanders.

Cooke, Brett (2002). Human Nature in Utopia: Zamyatin's We. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.

Fischer, Peter A. (Autumn 1971). "Review of The Life and Works of Evgenij Zamjatin by Alex M. Shane". Slavic and East European Journal. 15 (3): 388–390. :10.2307/306850. JSTOR 306850.


Kern, Gary, "Evgenii Ivanovich Zamiatin (1884–1937)," Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 272: Russian Prose Writers Between the World Wars, Thomson-Gale, 2003, 454–474.

Kern, Gary, ed. (1988). . Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis. ISBN 0-88233-804-8.

Zamyatin's We. A Collection of Critical Essays

(1993). "Zamiatin in Newcastle: The Green Wall and The Pink Ticket". The Slavonic and East European Review. 71 (3): 417–427. Archived from the original on 18 June 2013.

Myers, Alan

Richards, D.J. (1962). Zamyatin: A Soviet Heretic. London: Bowes & Bowes.

Russell, Robert (1999). Zamiatin's We. Bristol: Bristol Classical Press.

Shane, Alex M. (1968). . Berkeley: University of California Press.

The Life and Works of Evgenij Zamjatin

Zamiatin, Evgenii Ivanovich (1988). Selections (in Russian). sostaviteli T.V. Gromova, M.O. Chudakova, avtor stati M.O. Chudakova, kommentarii Evg. Barabanova. Moskva: Kniga.  5-212-00084-X. (bibrec) (bibrec (in Russian))


Informational notes



Media related to Yevgeny Zamyatin at Wikimedia Commons

at Standard Ebooks

Works by Yevgeny Zamyatin in eBook form

at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)

Works by Yevgeny Zamyatin

(1924) Zamyatin's novel, as translated by Gregory Zilboorg.


A collection of stories by Zamyatin (1913–28), as translated by John Dewey.

The Sign: And Other Stories

(1914) Zamyatin's novella, as translated by Walker Foard.

A Godforsaken Hole

(1920) Zamyatin's short story, as translated by Neil Cornwell.


. Archived from the original on 22 July 2011. Retrieved 1 November 2004.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link) (1935) Zamyatin's short story, as translated by Eric Konkol.

""The Lion" by Evgeny Zamyatin - from SovLit.com"

. Archived from the original on 14 May 2011. Retrieved 15 February 2015.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link) Zamyatin's short story, as translated by Andrew Glikin-Gusinsky.

"Pictures by Evgeny Zamyatin - from SovLit.com"

Petri Liukkonen. . Books and Writers.

"Yevgeny Zamyatin"

biography of Yevgeny Zamyatin

Encyclopedia of Soviet Writers

at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database

Евгений Замятин

updates articles by Alan Myers published in Slavonic and East European Review.

Zamyatin in Newcastle

(PDF). Archived from the original on 19 March 2009. Retrieved 9 September 2006.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: unfit URL (link) brief, illustrated biography by Tatyana Kukushkina

"Archived copy"

Riggenbach, Jeff (10 March 2010). . Mises Daily. Ludwig von Mises Institute.

"Yevgeny Zamyatin: Libertarian Novelist"

Spartacus Educational website by John Simkin

Yevgeny Zamyatin

(17 January 2017). Short Stories : Alatyr', Sever, Bich Bozhiy, Lovec Chelovekov. ISBN 9781784352097.

Zamyatin, Yevgeny