Katana VentraIP

Bantenese people

The Bantenese (Indonesian: Orang Banten/Orang Sunda Banten; Sundanese: ᮅᮛᮀ ᮘᮔ᮪ᮒᮨᮔ᮪/ᮅᮛᮀ ᮞᮥᮔ᮪ᮓ ᮘᮔ᮪ᮒᮨᮔ᮪, romanized: Urang Banten/Urang Sunda Banten) are an indigenous ethnic group native to Banten in the westernmost part of Java island, Indonesia. The area of Banten province corresponds more or less with the area of the former Banten Sultanate, a Bantenese nation state that preceded Indonesia.[3] In his book "The Sultanate of Banten", Guillot Claude writes on page 35: “These estates, owned by the Bantenese of Chinese descent, were concentrated around the village of Kelapadua.”[4] Most of Bantenese are Sunni Muslim. The Bantenese speak the Sundanese-Banten dialect, a variety of the Sundanese language which does not have a general linguistic register, this language is called Basa Sunda Banten (Sundanese language of Banten).

ᮅᮛᮀ ᮘᮔ᮪ᮒᮨᮔ᮪/ᮅᮛᮀ ᮞᮥᮔ᮪ᮓ ᮘᮔ᮪ᮒᮨᮔ᮪
Urang Banten







2010 Population Census[edit]

According to the 2010 Population Census carried out by the Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia, the Bantenese people along with the Baduy people are categorized under the Native Bantenese people with a total of 4,657,784 people.[5][1]


Those who considered themselves as Bantenese are generally practicing Muslims, which is due to being inseparable from a strong Islamic cultural background. This case is also closely related to the history of Banten Sultanate as one of the largest Islamic kingdom in the island of Java. Besides that, the artistry in Banten region also portrays Islamic activities of its society, such as art Rampak Bedug from Pandeglang Regency.[14] Even so, Banten Province is a multi-ethnic society consisting of various ethnics and religions.[1] Adherents of other faiths from various non-indigenous ethnic groups live alongside each other peacefully in this region, such as the Benteng Chinese community in Tangerang and the Baduy people that practices Sunda Wiwitan in Kanekes, Leuwidamar, Lebak Regency.

Surosowan motif: Surosowan is the name of the spatial layout facing the king / sultan of the .

Banten Sultanate

Pasulamam motif: Pasulaman is the name of the place of the embroidery craftsmen within the .

Banten Sultanate

Pasepen motif: Pasepen is the name of the place in the palace where Sultan would meditate in the Banten Sultanate.

Maulana Hasanuddin of Banten

Sebakingking motif: Sebakingking is the name of Panembahan Sultan 's title in the spreading of the Islamic religion.

Maulana Hasanuddin of Banten

Srimanganti motif: Srimanganti is the name of the place where the commoner's porch connects the 's pendopo for the king / sultan waiting area.

Banten Sultanate

Pejantren motif: Pesantren is the name of the place where weaving craftsmen in region are situated.


Panjunan motif: Panjunan is the name of a village where pottery and ceramic craftsmen are found in the .

Banten Sultanate

Singayaksa motif: Singayaksa is the name of a place where Sultan performs Salat al-Istikharah, asking for God's guidance in establishing the palace.

Maulana Hasanuddin of Banten

Wamilahan motif: Wamilahan is the name of a village neighboring the palace where bamboo and mats craftsmen are situated.

Panembahan motif: Panembahan is the name of Sultan 's title in nation planning on the Banten Sultanate palace' achievements.

Maulana Hasanuddin of Banten

Pancaniti motif: Pancaniti is the name of the place where Sultan watches his soldiers training in the field.

Maulana Hasanuddin of Banten

Pamaranggen motif: Pamaranggen is the name of the place neighboring the where the keris and keris adornment craftsmen are found.

Banten Sultanate

Langenmaita motif: Langenmaita is the name of the place where happiness is anchored in the ocean of love with a yacht or dock.

Mandalikan motif: Mandalikan is the name of the title given to Prince Arya Mandalika for the spreading of the Islamic religion.

Memoloan motif: Memoloan is the name of a roofing building construction on minarets and on 's pendopo.

Banten Sultanate

Kesatriaan motif: Kesatriaan is the name of a village neighboring the where religious learning are taught in the boarding school.

Banten Sultanate

Kawangsan motif: Kawangsan is the name of the title given to Prince Wangsa for the spreading of Islam.

Kapurban motif: Kapurban is the name of the title given to the Prince Purba for the spreading of Islam.

Kaibon motif: Kaibonan is the name of a walled building that surrounds the Royal Palace of Banten.

Datulaya motif: Datulaya is the name of Sultan and his family's residence in the Banten Sultanate.

Maulana Hasanuddin of Banten

a Sultan of Banten and a National Hero of Indonesia

Ageng Tirtayasa of Banten

governor of Banten

Ratu Atut Chosiyah

comedian, actor, singer and composer

Bing Slamet

an Indonesian diplomat and military veteran

Idrus Nasir Djajadiningrat

a religious scholar

Ma'ruf Amin

a member of Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence and a minister

Maria Ulfah Santoso

the first ruler of Banten Sultanate

Maulana Hasanuddin of Banten

film director

Misbach Yusa Biran


Slamet Rahardjo

leader of the rebellion Pemerintahan Revolusioner Republik Indonesia and a National Hero of Indonesia

Syafruddin Prawiranegara

Tubagus Ahmad Chatib al-Bantani, a religious scholar and a [27]

National Hero of Indonesia

Saudi Arabian minister of Bantenese descent

Muhammad Saleh Benten